Sweet zombie day 54 of flower


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate. Still amlot of fresh white pistils being put out so for me , could be a week still. If you are going by the general look of the plant and not by amber trichrome method, then ideally you go for 70% brown hairs over the whole plant as a guide. Hopefully no more nanners before then. Keep em fed and happy while they swell for a finish mate. Long slow dry , no flush needed. If it is any consolation , some seed breeders reps are sales reos period. Parroting info from employers. I have seen some awful practices advised on "helpful" shops sites.. Overall summary is , saving 2 weeks worth of nutes by flushing for a minimal loss of yield when your harvests are commercial sized can save them heaps of cash and means no cure time once freeze dried. For our small crops, each G matters and we cure our weed too. The last two weeks are so important to their final yield too and seeing so many awful looking starved plants being coooed over beggers belief.lol . All in the dry and cure mate. Stodge their bellies and keeonher happy.
Looking good mate. Still amlot of fresh white pistils being put out so for me , could be a week still. If you are going by the general look of the plant and not by amber trichrome method, then ideally you go for 70% brown hairs over the whole plant as a guide. Hopefully no more nanners before then. Keep em fed and happy while they swell for a finish mate. Long slow dry , no flush needed. If it is any consolation , some seed breeders reps are sales reos period. Parroting info from employers. I have seen some awful practices advised on "helpful" shops sites.. Overall summary is , saving 2 weeks worth of nutes by flushing for a minimal loss of yield when your harvests are commercial sized can save them heaps of cash and means no cure time once freeze dried. For our small crops, each G matters and we cure our weed too. The last two weeks are so important to their final yield too and seeing so many awful looking starved plants being coooed over beggers belief.lol . All in the dry and cure mate. Stodge their bellies and keeonher happy.
I was planning on giving them water today and for the next 7 days but I'm swaying on the side to leave the flush and see how its tastes
I was planning on giving them water today and for the next 7 days but I'm swaying on the side to leave the flush and see how its tastes
I assure you , if you dry correctly which is easy to achieve now the weather here has got cooler . Then the taste will be no different at all but the yield will be better . seeing yourhealthy plants cannibalise themselves weeks too early makes nonsense at all. A low and slow dry to allow all the green chlorophyll to covert to sugars ect and eventually dry up and turn yellow when they should be hitting their storage leaves for food. 15-19°c , air exchange but no direct blowing on the plant and total darkness to help preserve all those delicate, light , heat sensitive terpenes you have spent months building up with feeds. The whole plant , untrimmed to allow the leaves to continue using up the stores in them while protecting the buds as they droop to cover them( hence air exchange to avoid mould.) . All the processes aside from taking in feed through the roots , will still be mobile while she is hanging drying. She will attempt to keep her buds supple and smelly with every last bit of life she can muster so will also push oils too. After approx 10 days she will have cured while hanging tobdry and be snappable with a little flexing. Fully trim all the leaf off andbevenbthe small sugar leaves that sit in the bud if possible. failing that trim them nice and close as you can. This will kill any chance of a harsh taste and take care of the cure time too. once trimmed and dry it can be put into jars for storage. InTheShed has some good threads on flushing too for some info.
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