Looking good mate. Still amlot of fresh white pistils being put out so for me , could be a week still. If you are going by the general look of the plant and not by amber trichrome method, then ideally you go for 70% brown hairs over the whole plant as a guide. Hopefully no more nanners before then. Keep em fed and happy while they swell for a finish mate. Long slow dry , no flush needed. If it is any consolation , some seed breeders reps are sales reos period. Parroting info from employers. I have seen some awful practices advised on "helpful" shops sites.. Overall summary is , saving 2 weeks worth of nutes by flushing for a minimal loss of yield when your harvests are commercial sized can save them heaps of cash and means no cure time once freeze dried. For our small crops, each G matters and we cure our weed too. The last two weeks are so important to their final yield too and seeing so many awful looking starved plants being coooed over beggers belief.lol . All in the dry and cure mate. Stodge their bellies and keeonher happy.