Supported, or not?


New Member
I was just wonder just how many of you had fully support from Family, friends ext about your smoking habits?
Me personaly have support from my mother and her boyfriend, and somewhat my father. But my sister and her family are not going with all!! I have been smoking now for about 11 years straight everyday almost (Besides 7-8months preggy) And I will continue to smoke... Great Medication!! :smokin:
-chuckles- yeah I would of been as well. All of my friends are total alright with it as well, smokers or no-smokers.
My entire family, even my grandparents have smoked or are still smoking now, so everybody is cool with it. Some of my friends smoke, some of 'em don't, but we all get along and have no problems with each other's preferred method of getting high.
well my mom smokes and dad used to so that is why they are ok with it... my sister is just a straight edge, and always has been! Witch is ok but she need to realize this is my med and this is how it will be :)
my friends are all tight w/ it

my fam. dont know but would probably be alright w/ it
Ganja, my mother and father were not happy when I smoked recreatinaly, but there was a total reversal from my whole family once I began losing my vision and I began "legitamtely" using it for medical reasons. So much so that my mother, sister, grandfather, and grandmother all used my medicinal cannabis for specific ailments they had been suffering from for years. SOmewhere on here is a journal of my grandfathers battle with cancer and his use of medical marijuana. My gandmother tride it for her back that had been broken 10 yeras ago and never healed correctly (constant pain). My mother used it to help her get to sleep, and my sister used it for the same reason. Ironicaly, it took the Montel Williams SHow where he preached the benefits of medical pot to totaly change my grandmothers opinion of the medicine, even though I had been telling her its benefits (and urging her to try a tincture as opposed to killing her insides with daily dosages of painkillers) for months prior to the shows airing..
Plus, being a college graduate, an Army Veteran, and a sucessful businessman, it's hard to preach the "evils" of marijauna when I, despite a visual impairment, suceed in everyhing I do. I mean how long can you tell someone pot is going to destroy their lives when they are more scuessfull in their business and pesonal life than you are when they have to work twice as hard due to a physical limitation? Once I put it that way to the people I knew, they shut up.
Pretty much everyone knows. My parents never really mention it. My sister used to be on my case all the time about it with the "throwing away your life" lines until she found out my dad used to be a pothead and she saw that he's not ruined, so now she blazes :) She leaves her stash out on the dresser most of the time, so I guess my parents are cool with it these days.

Most of my friends smoke too, but the ones that don't are cool so long as I'm not lighting up in their house or anything. I have a couple friends that seem to think I'm doing something bad, but they don't lecture.

I pretty much gave the finger to anyone that wanted to judge me based on what substances I do a long time ago.
wow that is amazing!! I as well use cannabis for medication. I have Muscular Dystrophy and am confined to a wheelchair. I am a mother of a 3 year old daughter as never stoped me!! Without smoke I really don't think I could do my daily life as I do now....
if you say u dont get high one method or another, or some form, your a lier, everyone has there release from reality, weather it be an addiction to the internet, crack, coke, pills etc. i personally find that the "gateway drug" is in fact quite the oposite, i have a.d.h.d, was on 80mg of ridalin a day, my brother is 6'3' 250lbs, iam 5'9'' and 190lbs(no not fat). it took me body building and powerlifting to get up to it. i believe ridalin stunted my growth. soo sooner or later i quit listening to my parents about oh how well it was working with me in school blah blah blah. telling me my grades were going up, my gpa was rising, i graduated high school 3.2. and iam retarded.
when in fact, i had been throwing away the ridalin, and buying oz. the whole time my gpa and grades were rising. wow tell me ridalin was helping me help myself, i think nature ailed me of my problem, it only took a bit of self medicating to realize it. pot brought me back down to a level to where i could spit out a sentance without having to find something else to do.
dankcloset said:
if you say u dont get high one method or another, or some form, your a lier, everyone has there release from reality, weather it be an addiction to the internet, crack, coke, pills etc. i personally find that the "gateway drug" is in fact quite the oposite, i have a.d.h.d, was on 80mg of ridalin a day, my brother is 6'3' 250lbs, iam 5'9'' and 190lbs(no not fat). it took me body building and powerlifting to get up to it. i believe ridalin stunted my growth. soo sooner or later i quit listening to my parents about oh how well it was working with me in school blah blah blah. telling me my grades were going up, my gpa was rising, i graduated high school 3.2. and iam retarded.
when in fact, i had been throwing away the ridalin, and buying oz. the whole time my gpa and grades were rising. wow tell me ridalin was helping me help myself, i think nature ailed me of my problem, it only took a bit of self medicating to realize it. pot brought me back down to a level to where i could spit out a sentance without having to find something else to do.

:smokin: That is awsome to hear, I am glad cannabis helps you as it does many others!! :joint:
dont need proof.. if they dont want to believe what is right under their noses they are the ones in denial.. Kudos to you man! As of now I have no clue how my parents stand with it. When they found my ounce my mom flipped out cause she moved here from yugoslavia and was the good girl. My dad on the other hand sat down on my couch and flat out told me that he smoked at my age and older. I think my dad still knows, but I know my mom has been brain washed by the government and would probably strongly believe the movie "Reefer Madness" if she ever saw it. Oh well. as for my friends.. Both straight edge and stoner, they are all chill with it. Gotta love friends haha.
Ganja, I have a degenerative cornea disease that makes light very harmful to me (as well as a myriad of visual problems, such as night blindness, seeing tripple, halos, ghost iamges, etc), and I work in the field of accessible technology, so we may have very well met ;-) It does your 3 year old justice that you seek out the best medication that helps you get by. Some rich, fat ass hole up in Washington isn't going to tell me what works best for my pain.
I too have friensd that tend to judge me on my medication. In their eyes, because I smoked recreationaly before my disease, that somehow makes the medical aspect of marijauna illegitimate. I simply let that shit roll off my back. No one can possibly know the daily pain I experience, only those with degenerative cornea disease can relate to what I feel. Anyone elses opinion is simply ignorance being spewed out of a speaker hole.
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