Super Cropping Question


Well-Known Member
I am about to start another vertical grow and have some questions about super cropping.

I am familiar with super cropping as I use it for height control when needed.

The question I have is where is the best place on the plant to crop. To explain a bit more, I will be vegging clones after first transplant for up to 6 + weeks, at which time I will be cutting back stems, do some defo and want to do some super cropping. I would normally do lite stress training to get the branches horizontal, but thinking of using SC at one or two places depending on which area give me the best response.
Which do you think will give me the best response?
This one would be SC at the red points. Will that send energy to the buds beyond the SC point or,

Again SC at the red points, will cause higher energy to flow to the SC point thereby giving energy to the nodes coming up the branch causing it to produce more.

I may be wrong but I think super cropping toward the end of the branch would send increased energy to the point of the SC giving all nodes that are before the SC added energy.

Here are a couple that have been SC for height control. What I am seeing here is that the buds below the SC are getting large compared to the branches that were not SC. But the bud above the SC as you can see is fat also.

This is a nice bud but the individual nugs are not near the size of the SC branches.

This has been on my mind awhile and just want to know what part of the branch is the best place to SC, right off the main stem or towards the end to the branch?


Hello GR i know this is a old post but what was your final conclusion as to cropping close to the main stem vs further out on the the branch , i haven't done a lot of supper cropping and was gonna try it on the present new grow i have started.
Hello GR i know this is a old post but what was your final conclusion as to cropping close to the main stem vs further out on the the branch , i haven't done a lot of supper cropping and was gonna try it on the present new grow i have started.

Really no responses to my question on SC'ing, so I just continue to SC only as needed for height control. I notice that both before and after the SC point both areas beef up.
Will be doing either a 5 plant vertical grow, where I do a bit of cropping or considering a SCrog, 4 plants on a lazy susan where I can rotate them to work on training.
This grow I am on now I have done a fair amount of SC'ing, some branches 3 times just for height control.
This is from 11 days ago, both of these branches have been SC'ed, the top one once and the lower one twice.
I really love the lazy susan idea. so did my ex wife susan :rofl:
Some main stem SC'ing.
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This main stem was SC'ed three times and a second stem was also SC'ed.
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May I ask the point of super cropping please?
For me it is a last ditch effort to lower the height of the canopy. Although in the op's pics. the stem seems to have remained straight. Mine lay over at a 90 and then start the upward growth. Not much sense in super cropping if not for the height but the stress alone will encourage a growth spurt.
For me it is a last ditch effort to lower the height of the canopy. Although in the op's pics. the stem seems to have remained straight. Mine lay over at a 90 and then start the upward growth. Not much sense in super cropping if not for the height but the stress alone will encourage a growth spurt.
I'm getting ready to run Durban Poison which is known to grow very tall. While i have about 6 ft of head room it may be a method I'll need to use down the line. I wasn't sure if super cropping was just a training method like topping or if it was for something else. Thanks for answering.
May I ask the point of super cropping please?

Supercropping is AWESOME! I top then crack now don't bother with LST. Way faster results, helps spreading plants out for more tops and lets me keep my canopy EXACTLY where I want it.



Supercropping is AWESOME! I top then crack now don't bother with LST. Way faster results, helps spreading plants out for more tops and lets me keep my canopy EXACTLY where I want it.



Yea I've read up a little on it. I haven't tried it yet. Mostly just topping and training. The Durban I just dropped will be my first true stativa so I know there's a more the likely chance I'll be trying to keep her under control.
Just keep in mind cracking too far down and too old of growth isn't optimal. I had some plants given back to me that were probably 4 feet tall I tried to whack them down to about 2.5 it didn't go too smooth on all of them, this one worked though!

Just keep in mind cracking too far down and too old of growth isn't optimal. I had some plants given back to me that were probably 4 feet tall I tried to whack them down to about 2.5 it didn't go too smooth on all of them, this one worked though!

Since she's known to get tall I'd do it early in her life ( basically as soon as I'm able to ) just so she can recover faster so she can be prepared to flip. My height allows me to have a plant no taller then 5 foot to allow room for my lights.
Not sure of any science about the best location to super crop but past experience tells me that doing so shows a visable increase in growth on that stem. Seems a little stress is a good thing.

The new growth is the plant making a repair to the damaged area. This happens pretty quick like over night. The first thing the plants will do is get the vascular system running again, without that the flowers will die.

So when you super crop you should also water to help the plant make repairs.

I also super crop for height control when needed.

I did about 10 super cropped branches on my last plant I harvested. Got 12 zips in the can from 1 plant (organic soil water only).

I wood say it helped with yield in my case.

1 plant doesn't make a scientific conclusion tho.

These 2 pics are the same plant - one on the trim table is what the buds look like after drying. They are bigger than they wood be if just left to grow vertical.

Yea I've read up a little on it. I haven't tried it yet. Mostly just topping and training. The Durban I just dropped will be my first true stativa so I know there's a more the likely chance I'll be trying to keep her under control.

Top her EARLY in VEG. Then after switch to flower lighting while she's in stretch you can super crop. The stems will be soft since they are very new.

Sometimes I do that and they will repair themselves back to straight. I started adding a wire to hold the bent stem in place. That helps too if you bend it too hard. As long as its attached it will repair the vascular system.
This technique fascinates me. I watched on YouTube and the guy started twisting the branch and bent it over, freaked me out! Lol. He was grabbing each stem and twisting it until it made a popping sound. He did this on each shoot/stem . then he did the twist and bend for the main.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, twisting the stems is a way to promote more growth and thus bigger buds?
I get the twist and bend part, gives you the ability to lower the plant when you are running out of space. But does this increase yield as well? Other than just laying it horizontally so the shoots head straight up. It will increase the amount of buds?
Again this is fascinating, and if it does increase bud size and yield than why isn't it more common?

First pic is a cola with another super-cropped cola sitting on a scale. lol

I cant tell if one is bigger than the other but I can say the super-cropped one wood be smaller if I let it grow past the lights.

It's a tool - it's not a means to the end.

Use it when you want. I dont use it as a matter of fact to get super dank.

How legends form. Pretty soon everyone be super-cropping for yields. yawn.
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