Sunshine mix 4 help?


New Member
ok im new to sunshine mix 4 this will be my first grow with this and i want some oppinions on how well this mix works

i havent watered my plants in a week and the soil is still moist if anyone has experiance with this shit let me know thank you
i used it for a long time. i agree on the slower drainage... what i did,

1) put a layer of rocks or perlite in the bottom about 1/2" or so deep.
2) mix the soil with more perlite in general. 4 scoops sunshine, 1 scoop perlite.

i'd have to water every 3rd day... but could stretch 4 if i had to.

if you havent, mix a little dolomite lime with it too., i didnt have ph issues that often in it, but, it did happen now and then... the DL, with stop that.
since i didnt mix rocks or perlite in the begining will i be ok now im not sure what to do now that there alredy planted
well, back when i had my first plant... i used soil that was NOT good whatsoever for my plant... no perlite, mass amounts of ferts, etc.

i mixed a new pot of soil (the way i described) watered it with water and superthrive and made a big hole (and kept it warm.. and by warm i mean room temp)

then i ended up removing it from its pot (like you would when transplanting) and then in a warm tub of water + superthrive, carefully rinsed and rinsed and rinsed some more until i was down to pretty much just the roots.

then i gently started putting the roots into the soil, slowly covering them at the same time until the whole plant was in, and how it should be.

i then watered the soil with more "warm" water and superthrive. and within 3 days, it was almost as dry as plain soil. and i just continued my watering every 3-4 days.

it shocked it a little, not very much. But in the end. it flourished into a monster, with a massive root ball in a 5 gallon pot. (single plant scrog)

Not saying thats the right way... just what i did, and it worked. so, if you feel the need to try it... giver.
let me know how it goes. i can try helping you out if something goes wrong.

realisticly, unless you are rough and mean to it (i accidently ripped a couple roots off... so try to be more carefull than i was) then it should be fine... its a weed, and they are pretty hard to fully kill if you are trying to take care of them.

remember to not put it in too big of a pot. you want to transplant every so often and work your way up to a big container.
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