Sudden death


New Member
So, I've been experimenting with very cheap LED grow lights, I got online..., I have 10 plants underneath them, all plants seemed to be doing I decided to pit them out in the sun, just to give the lights a break (the lights seemed to be getting quite hot, they are cheap low quality after all"...after about 10 minutes out in the sun, one of the healthiest looking plants suddenly collapsed....
Does Anyone know why that would happen?
Defiantly not hot or humid, its about 25 Celsius here, and pretty low humidity today.... There was no animal, I was out side near the plants, and I saw it rapidly collapse... I've never seem anything like that strange
Depending on the intensity of the leds, the plants may have been in shock with all the light. Plants grown indoor and put outside are hardened off, or slowly allowed more and more real sunlight every day. Not sure that is the case, any pics?
Peace OG
So, I've been experimenting with very cheap LED grow lights, I got online..., I have 10 plants underneath them, all plants seemed to be doing I decided to pit them out in the sun, just to give the lights a break (the lights seemed to be getting quite hot, they are cheap low quality after all"...after about 10 minutes out in the sun, one of the healthiest looking plants suddenly collapsed....
Does Anyone know why that would happen?

Wilted.. sometimes can be brought back with mouth to mouth with beer.
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