sudden death in flower stage


New Member
hello everyone, i have no idea what could have caused this to happen, im groing in ffof and the strain is silver bullet auto, with rh of 50 and temps in the range of 75-80. i watered them their last feeding on thursday and woke up saturday morning to see this. Both plants were given the same amount of water and nutrients which is nectar for the gods- medusas magic. I did give them a little bit more water than usual but as you can see the one plant is perfectly healthy. ive looked at other forums and thought it could be over watering or heat, but i have no idea. if anoyne can chime in to why a perfectly flowering plant would die like this so close to harvest.
Could be straight up overwatering. You said you gave it more than usual? Do you have a moisture meter to check the soil?

I don't have a meter but the soil was very dry when I watered it. But if it was overwatering wouldn't the other plant be the same?
the whole plant isn't reacting the same tho if it was overwatered wouldn't the whole plant
look droopy I see leaves that aren't drooping
I wouldn't do anything until the problem is identified. These plants are very resilient and she may bounce back. You mentioned this was their final watering, how long were you gonna let them go before cutting them down?
I wouldn't do anything until the problem is identified. These plants are very resilient and she may bounce back. You mentioned this was their final watering, how long were you gonna let them go before cutting them down?

It was the final feeding before I flush. I was going to let them go at least another week and a half
Did you have a lot of run off when you watered it? I'm just curious if the soil was really dry, maybe the water you gave didn't soak the soil enough and just went out the drainage area. Plant remained dehydrated?
Just a thought....
Did you have a lot of run off when you watered it? I'm just curious if the soil was really dry, maybe the water you gave didn't soak the soil enough and just went out the drainage area. Plant remained dehydrated?
Just a thought....

I had a good amount of run off but the pot feels pretty heavy still. Even to this day... Oh and happy 420/Easter everyone!!!
Okay, it was a thought. I agree with Sweetleef, I would not give up on it. The buds still look fair, it could recover. Any of those completely dried/dead leaves I would get rid of though. If you get a lot of dead stuff dropping on your soil it can attract critters.
I hope it pulls through for you. :circle-of-love:

And a Happy 420 Easter to you too!
See it's weird, I just trimmed all of the dead droopy leaves and a lot of them were crunchy at the tips, I do feel like it has something to do with the roots tho. So the peroxide will oxygenate the roots huh...?....I might give it a whirl
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