Struggling with high humidity

While my plant was in veg, humidity of 65-80% wasn't a big deal, but now that I've switched to 12/12, it concerns me. The room is generally around 55%, but the grow tent itself is currently registering 85%!

Thinking my sensor was fubar, I put a second meter in the tent. Both meters register the same temp & humidity levels. Here's what I've tried:

1. Damp Rid - one small bucket of it in the rear corner of the tent.
2. Dehumidifier - tiny room sized model (inside the tent). After ~12 hours, it had collected roughly 1/4 cup of water.
3. I dump out the run-off water after watering the plant so it's not sitting in the collection tray.

The plant is in a 2-gallon fabric pot that's elevated about 1/2 inch in the catch plate underneath. I like that her roots get air, but I'm thinking maybe the evaporation from the sides is contributing to the high humidity in the tent. But now that I've switched to 12/12 (4 days ago), I'm afraid to transplant her again. Is it soon enough that I could get away with that?

Any other ideas for lowering the humidity? The 24-hr average temp is 74° F and average humidity is 63%.

age: 32 days from sprouting
type: indica, from bag seed
medium: FoxFarms Ocean Forest, nothing added
nutes: None yet
pot: 2-gallon felt
tent: 2x2x4
...Are you running an exhaust fan?? or...passive intake/exhaust??...cheerz....h00k...:hookah:

I have a 240cfm exhaust fan that's on the same timer as the lights. Should I run it constantly? Currently the intake is passive, though I do have a tower fan directing air toward the tent.
I have a 240cfm exhaust fan that's on the same timer as the lights. Should I run it constantly? Currently the intake is passive, though I do have a tower fan directing air toward the tent.

Most people, as well as myself,run exhaust 24/7...I am also subject to times of high humidity, so I incorporate 6 small fans and an oscillating tower fan in my room in addition to a 6 inch exhaust fan/ could get a smaller fan and place directly in front of your tent intake...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Yeah...but I think that good air circulation can usually trump humidity and associated problems(mold/bud rot)...although I am considering adding dehumidification/AC to the shed next season...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:...Oh! bad...Welcome to :420:
Yeah...but I think that good air circulation can usually trump humidity and associated problems(mold/bud rot)...although I am considering adding dehumidification/AC to the shed next season...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:...Oh! bad...Welcome to :420:
Thanks so much for the fan tips. Turned on the exhaust and put a small fan right at the input port, and humidity plummeted! I'm stoked. Thank you again.

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