Stop 'Reefer Madness': Legalize Marijuana

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
It's time to legalize marijuana.

Note we did not say it's time to "decriminalize" marijuana. And note we did not say it's time to legalize marijuana nationwide for medicinal purposes only.

It's time to flat-out legalize the production, possession, sale and use of marijuana.

This should be a no-brainer for thinking people. After all, alcohol prohibition in the early 20th century was such a "success," right?

The federal prohibition against marijuana took effect 72 years ago this Sunday. It has flooded our legal system, jails and prisons. It has cost taxpayers billions of dollars annually.

It also has fueled organized crime and violence on a massive national and international scale.

And it has sent billions of dollars into an underground economic system that could bolster the mainstream economy, especially in these recessionary times.

Indeed, with legalization there must be some commonsense, effective and market-friendly regulation. (Please, no Pennsylvania Marijuana Control Board.)

Marijuana sales should be taxed. (But not at a level that discourages its commerce.)

Use by minors should be prohibited. (Let the debate begin whether that should be under 21 or under 18.)

And the same under-the-influence laws that apply to alcohol and driving should be applied to marijuana.

We're off our conservative rocker, you say? Then late conservative icons William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman were, too.

Citing the Dutch example, Mr. Buckley said usage did not swell. "Today we have illegal marijuana for whoever wants it," he added.

Noted Mr. Friedman, citing clear economic thinking: "There is no logical basis for the prohibition of marijuana."

Marijuana's prohibition long has been rooted in fear, not facts, and in government propaganda, not sane public policy. Prohibition has led to far more fearsome things, true reefer madness, if you will.

It's time for sanity in the Great Marijuana Debate. It's time, at long last, to legalize marijuana.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Author: Editorial
Copyright: 2009 The Tribune-Review Publishing Co.
Contact: Contact Us | Trib Total Media
Website: Stop 'reefer madness': Legalize marijuana - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Isn't the Pittsburg Tribune Review a very conservative newspaper? If so, it's an amazing editorial for them to have. I wonder what kind of reaction it got from the locals
very interesting .... just my two cents, i think it should be 21. Nothing wrong with it at 18 but in our society it would be easier to convince the masses. Once the governments down to the local ones start seeing revenue from marijuana sales, they will be addicted to the money just like these so called drug lords 'the guy with a killer crop in his basement?' are taking out of our economy. Im all for a better american standard of living, we're like lower than 20th on every living standard, and i believe the legalization of marijuana will be a huge step in the direction of American recovery.
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