
Just tagged you in the mars hydro because you forgot to tag a member in your post.

Depends on how you are using them. In veg I cover them with a layer of hydro tone balls. In cloning or seed starts I don't bother covering because they are not exposed and wet long enough to grow algae. If you have a flood and drain or spray system that keeps the rockwool wet through the grow cover them. I cut a circle of PVA. You can use coffee can or bucket lids. I happen to already have PVA sheets for work that you can buy it at Home depot. Cut a wide slit from edge to center of the circle for the stem to slide through. Slide on another one the opposite direction to cover the slit.

My room is not the cleanest or tightest seal from outside air. Takes almost a month for algae to form on my cubes if I keep watering them.
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