Stoned thought


New Member
I dont know im sitting here stoned, thinking that right now we have no more privacies and were just letting them go one by one. and i am not talking involuntary either i am talking things like Myspace, Facebook and all the other networking web sites. people(myself included) are putting everything about us. what are likes and dislikes are. what we are doing. or what we are going to do. its pretty much putting your personal information out to anybody. you never know who is looking at these pages. I just feel that its weird that our personal lives are so out in the open nowadays. its cool for friends and stuff yeah I agree but how bout if our personal info gets in the hands of crooks or even worse Corporate america.

Pretty much i just feel that pretty soon are private lives will be so public that we will have no private lives anymore..

anyways those were my thoughts for the moment...
maybe the fbi and cia run myspace together and they're just getting people to voluntary give them their information..
That's why you have the choice to make one or not.
Destroy3d said:
Yea, I'm sure your friends already know you, you dont have to make an online blog ya know.

Yea i agree with Destroy on this dont have to put out there what you dont want to put out there for the rest of the world to see. If you want to vent or do your stoned thoughts and like to type like i do then do a private journal otherwise its just a blog
While I don't support Bush and the things his administration is doing I can on a very low level understand why. We live in a different age and while 20 years ago privacy was a right in the information age I just don't see personal privacy surviving this evolution of society. When we have people killing hundreds of civilians because they don't like a cartoon I kinda see why maybe upsetting Americans is far less evil then knowingly letting terrorists and extremists to move freely about our country unchecked. It is a lose lose situation. If we protect personal privacy we make ourselves more vunerable to the entire world.. which know despises America more than ever. If we give away our personal liberties and privacy we have become something far more worse but our citizens are less likely to die from a chemical attack or worse nuclear.

i agree
Methical I pretty much agree with what your saying. the way society is turning.. There is a lot of messed up stuff going on right now around the world right now. and it seems like us americans don't care but thats a whole different story...
FOOD FOR THOUGHT -brother hood of light

Earth like all other planets "in particular" orbiting around the sun go thru natural cycles so many thousand years. the new era is at our doorstep.
*our instinct is to adapt and survive

most people want to say armageddon but the earth will just cleanse itself of negative/dark forces. this may be from(in our time) overpopulted dirty cities to the rich stock holders.

* im not sayin all this will happen in a day just over a few years

many natural ways are thru climate/weather obviously. we have seen in the past 4 years many of the worst natural disasters on records. people say this stuff has happened in the past. well true but not in a short few years right in a row. all includes hurricanes tsunamis(from the same plate that connects across the world to the us west coast,plate shifting) in turn plate shift is key to volcanoe activity around the world, sporatic heat waves from solar winds caused from flares from sunspots on the sun in turn heating up our icecaps giving way for major flooding for many miles inland along coast lines.

as a whole the human mind has made major advances over the years. our dna over time reprograms itself(to some extent) to its surroundings and advancement to knowledge. your innerself (that voice in your head) innerspirit,soul whatever u call it is the key. keep in mind "I AM" because we all have that ability to connect.i dont think u have to meditate or anything but just relax and know u have that connection.

if your mind is prepared then u prepare your physical body for whats soon to come. location is key to the earth cycle. in my opinion its a gamble anywhere u live but use commom sense. of course your common survival items anyone can list(foods,tools,meds,hygeine products ,etc)

probly the most important physical thing to do now is invest in silver. silver is running out and demand is running earth dry. their is plenty of gold but the imdustry supply for silver in the past 100 years is insane with the new digital age.silver has been rising steadly for the past 15 years. silver has always been the blacksheep of precious metals but what happens when that consumed metal comes to a hault? silver skyrockets when the us dollar collapses crashing economys around the world. when u need something in the black market or consumer market and paper money is worthless silver coins and bullion coins make a good exchange for purchase or trade. 1878-1964 dimes,quarters,silver dollars.half dollars were made of 90% silver(junk silver) since 1965 coins have gone from 40% to 0%. purchasing silver will get u thru hardtimes in goverment. silver is now over 10 dollars an ounce. compared to other charts in past market crashes silver will hit 50 dolars an ounce at a base rate. this could be just around the corner. future values say silver will outperform gold.

"let me know what u think"

enlightened stoner
all we can do is try to prepare our mind and body for the changes to come. the united states in particular cant handle anymore natural disiasters. our "dollar" is already doomed. other than the ongoing freak weather the global money market will fall. precious metals have and will always be used for purchase and trade. when paper money goes to shits, silver and gold will be used once again. get some now before the shit hits the fan. EBAY mofo EBAY,lol
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