Still struggling to correct late flower "no nute" soil


Active Member
My high and humble friends, I'm about to lose my sanity 😆 I learned from my last post that the "no nute" soil such as Purple Cow (which I'm using) is meant for 1 bag per plant. I'm growing three off 2 bags. It's been fantastic until now. My previous posts led to the conclusion that the soil is spent and we've got deficiencies. I started adding Fox Farms Tiger Bloom (every other water or 4-6 days) and CalMag every water 2 weeks ago. I'm not seeing any sort of improvement. I'm trying to keep the ph varied. The Tiger Bloom brings it down to 6.3, and I ph down to 6.6-6.7 on the non-feed waterings. I just fed and measured runoff at 6.7. I also just learned that to test runoff you should used 7.0 and have at least 1L of runoff, so I don't know if my runoff actually tells us anything.

Plant 1
The biggest offender.
10-11 week auto
Still having more advanced yellowing of the leaves on the upper parts of the colas and a few are developing some serious purple spotting on the sugar leaves as you'll see. You'll also notice on the side view, the upper half of the cola is vastly different from the greener lower half (4th pic). I know we're getting late into flowering and looking forward to a nice fade... but still getting some white pistils so I'm confident we should be a few weeks away from that (I'd assume). I lowered my light about 4" 4 days ago and I'm attributing that to the bit of cupping and have raised it back up.

Plant 2
11 week auto
Hard to tell, but looks like Potassium or Calcium. But I'm feeding CalMag so I would suspect Potassium. Input?

Plant 3
The Golden Child
Don't be like plants 1 & 2. Be like plant 3.
Not always. Sometimes, during senescence, she may push out a couple more fresh stigmas as a last ditch effort to make seeds. I would check the state of the trichomes in tangent with the color of the stigmas.

She is also an auto. Some cultivars finish around 11-13 weeks.
Got ya. It's about time to check again with the macro lens. Nothing getting cloudy on the last check. Cultivar says 65-75 days, so we're already there. But most people say to usually add about 2 weeks to what they claim. Thanks for the chat!
I do want these to go a little late for a heavier smoke. I haven't been super happy with my macro lens, but you can see pretty well.
Plant 1

Plant 2 Getting close I think

Plant 3 She's looking fully cooked! I didn't expect any amber at all. She still looks fully healthy and showing no signs of fade at all.
Yea the first & second one needs more time for sure. 3rd one could be chopped any day now. I would just water the medium without feed from here on out.
don't go too long ...


aside from the nute stuff looks like a nanner going on in the top right corner here ...
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