Startings of Hash but I have a question

now that it is brown "water" you need to get all that water out... i don't know what you can do other then evaporate the water and then you have your hash.. then you can add that to the butter if you want..
I use all my high quality hash from my bags to smoke, the low quality and the bottom of the bucket goes into oil/butter.... the suff on the bottom of the bucket ( after the bag process) is like a sunflower seed, a lot of work with little return...
There needs to be a better tutorial on Gumby hash - which is ice water processed like bubble bags, but then gravity filtered.

So, I guess you've pressed all your remains and you're down to the water?

Let it sit for several hours, then syphon off all but an inch, then pour that in a glass jar, let it sit for a few hours, then syphon off again with a 1/4 tube, being very careful not to disturb the bottom. When you have just the trichs at the bottom, pour that out of wax paper and dry it with a lamp and fan on it.
Cool. I ended up just tossing the water mix. There was no pressing of anything ever done and I'm not sure I even understand what you're talking about. The tutorial I read never mentioned any sort of pressing, just letting it sit for a while to settle at the bottom. Then I'm not really sure what happens. I'm so confused about how to make it still that I just figured I'd hold off til I found a way to do it that I'm cool with.
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