Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

Sorry to hear about the mites. I had them over 10 years ago when I was in soil. Horrendous things I wouldn’t wish on anyone. After researching i came across Hot Shot No Pest Strips. I couldnt get them in the UK so I had to get any family members travelling to America to bring me a few back. Hang one in the tent and one on the floor by your entrance and they did work for me. Apparently mites lay eggs in the first inch of soil so it’s worth scraping out and replace with diatomaceous earth. Good luck.
Sorry to hear that Van. I only had mites once 3 or so grows back now, and honestly now I am grateful for them. It was a good lesson learned. I misdiagnosed the white spots as nutrient problem for weeks as the problem persisted. Your neem dip killed them all though (fried a few plants, again another lesson learned, wait 24 hours before lights again, lol) I say I am grateful now, because I can diagnose quicker and I know how to kill them. But they do suck when they are present.....question how many oz's per gallon neem for your dip? Package said 1-2, I used 2, but could not remember what you told me.
Thanks guys. Yeah the dip method works great for plants in veg if you follow the directions about not putting them back under the lights for 24 hours. I have also worked a 2nd water only dip done about 12 hours after it is initially dipped in the Neem.

I use about 1-1.5 Tablespoons of neem per gallon of water for the dip in 5 gallon buckets.
So Van, I have the new soil in the barrell. The recipe's author says to re stir it every few days for some time (I forget). It seems excessive. Do you even do that at all?
I methodically stirred and stirred when I made it up knowing things need to be spread well. Is there another reason I missed maybe?
So Van, I have the new soil in the barrell. The recipe's author says to re stir it every few days for some time (I forget). It seems excessive. Do you even do that at all?
I methodically stirred and stirred when I made it up knowing things need to be spread well. Is there another reason I missed maybe?
I stir mine once when I make it and then let it sit for a touching it unless i forgot something.
I stir mine once when I make it and then let it sit for a touching it unless i forgot something.
That's what I thought the normal operating procedure was. I think the author has little faith in folks mixing skills. I need another barrell for another batch now. Enjoy the day Van
Darkstar #1 & #2 Veg Day 18

Here is an intro to the two newest members of the Stank harem. We tried one of this strain back when we popped the GDP and Afghani, but it was one of the beans I buried too deep in my medicated state....opps :eek:. It sprouted and lost steam right below the surface. I dropped 2 more a couple weeks later (staggered harvests are my friend) and here they are.

They both kind of got hit from an early mistake I made during the dry winter months. I put another solo cup on top of the first one to try and increase humidity but didn't realize a fungus gnat or 20 got into them and when I popped the solo cup a couple days later a poof of fungus gnats shot out. I could tell both of them were pissed off at me.

I gave them a dose of water with H2O2 and when that dried up sufficiently I top dressed with some Dioematious Earth (sp?). That mistake stunted them a few days to a week, maybe two weeks for #2. They are doing great now and growing at a pace that tells me the fungus gnat issue is gone.

This strain is from TH Seeds and is a very potent indica...which ironically I was growing in hopes to try and help my cousin. (For any new followers....he has stage 4 inoperable brain tumor...we made him a batch of RSO and got it to him but the day after he got the meds he took a drastic turn for the worse and is now in Hospice and is unresponsive so we never got him into the cycle). I am always on the look out for a nice hard hitting indica so I have hopes that one of them be a good one. Its a cross of Purple Kush and Mazar-I-Sharif and is listed as 100% indica.

DarkStar #1

DarkStar #2

Afghani #1 Veg Day 33

Today was haircut day for this girl. She got the top chopped and several of the big fan leaves removed to open the lowers. We are going short but wide with this girl. Looks like she has some pretty strong side branching so I have hopes she won't need much if any support. She got up potted a bit over a week ago and has been growing nicely in her new home. Still crushing on this one's early structure.....hope she manifests into what I see her becoming.

Well looks like I won't be needing to focus on the meds as much at this point. Still praying for a miracle. I still need to refill all the indica coffers, I want to have a reserve sufficient to source a batch of RSO. Once I clear the stuff I have going....its full bore back into some stuff that Ms Stank and I have been wanting to do. I am excited to get rolling full speed!
I guess I missed the new journal notification. I wondered why your place had been so quiet. I'm here now and love the looks of all your plants. I got my 1st Sensi Seed strain on the way too, went with Skunk #1.
I probably forgot to post the new link there. Things have been really busy and crazy here lately. I will swing through and drop the link there in a bit. I will be finishing up everything in flower in the old journal so I will still be over there as well. Just the Stankberry, ATF, and Northern Lights left to finish up over there.

Glad to hear you took the dive on sensi....they have been awesome on everything I have run. Skunk #1 is my next one from them I am going to run, followed by their Super Skunk.
Grand Daddy Purple (Scorpio Genetics) Veg Day 33

Here we have these three. Still no impact no idea on sex yet. Ms Stank has better eyes so she will take a peek under the skirt tonight and see if we can't find the girls in the group. These have all been in their 1 gallon pots for a bit over a week and are responding well. I haven't topped any of them yet, been kinda waiting for naughty bits to reveal themselves.

I still think #1 is a male.....and hoping #2 and #3 are girls. Ms Stank thinks all three are girls, guess we will see soon enough. All three are growing very nicely at this point.


GDP #2

GDP #3

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