Spray and grow


420 Member
Hey guys wondering if anyone could help me out.. I ran outa my spray and grow rite.. Well i had two big bottles thats lasted me the past like two years.. Went to the shop the other day and noticed it now says bills perfect.. I asked the guy and he said it was the same stuff.. When i went to use it i realized it wasnt. Now its brown and smells like shit lol.. My old stuff was like kinda yellowish but clear and had a chemical like smell to it.. I only use it on my moms and clones.. Havent noticed anything bad on the moms but on my clones their yellowing out from the top inside new growth?? My old stuff would would keep them green all the way through the rooting stage.. They yellowed out kinda bad n their only half way through the rooting stage.. Does anyone know whats different about the product or whats goin on?? Thanks guys
Thought this might help. Spray n Grow is the brand name, Bill's Perfect Fertilizer is one of their products. The Spray n Grow product supplies micronutrients only to be applied by foliar spray, it doesn't contain any N-P-K. They suggest using that along with Coco Wet which is a wetting agent so it won't run off the leaves too quickly, allowing it to be absorbed. You can also mix the Bill's in with the other two items which gives you a pretty complete fertilizer. I've used it in the past with pretty good results.
Yea but the old bottle i have doesnt say bills perfect on it at all.. And its not brown, its like an amber color.. Its definitly not the same stuff.. It has the same spray and grow logo as my old bottle... No clue, i think mayb someone bought em out or something.. But thanks for the reply sleepy
I agree it is not the same stuff. What you had before is their signature product and it is called Spray n Grow, just like the company name. It is micro nutes. Bills is produced by them to be used with the amber color spray n grow that you had. bills perfect fertilizer is just that, an n-p-k nute solution which is fish emulsion based and brown and smells like hell. Check out the website it has all the info and you can buy the spray n grow micro nutes there. Just wanted to clarify, this is all new to me.
Nice thanks dude.. Ill check it out.. That original stuff, i liked, kept my clones nice and green.. This new stuff seems to be lacking something
Yup thats the one.. It says micro nutrients rite on the side. Thanks bud.. Thats why i hate when the new guys are working at the shop..
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