Spotted upper plant leaves ?


Well-Known Member


Sorry missed the explanation part you insert.
Idk what gen it is ,it's photoperiod ,about 4 months old.
The seeds were found in a bag of weed from a legal dispensary.
I started them outside in Happy Frog soil.
They are inside now on a 12/12 light schedule now because I need them to flower they are taking over my living room.
Can anyone identify these spots .
Thank you.
The large spots look to me like it got burnt by having some drops of oil or liquid on them under a strong light or the sun. The tiny specks though might possibly be the beginning of a thrip or spider mite invasion.
Thank you , any suggestions to treat for thrips or spider mite
The large spots look to me like it got burnt by having some drops of oil or liquid on them under a strong light or the sun. The tiny specks though might possibly be the beginning of a thrip or spider mite invasion.
Any treatment suggestions would be welcome .
Here are some leaf photos



Sorry to see you’re dealing with this :( nothing I’ve ever done has gotten rid of pest problems doing all organic. But I can say that neem oil and SNS have helped me as well as trying to attain higher brix levels using organics. For mites it’s easiest to tell with a jewelers loupe or 60x + magnifier. They look like tiny spiders oddly enough. I generally spray, let dry, painstakingly rub off underside of leaves and repeat process until the end unfortunately because they never seem to go away unless plant health increases enough to deter them.
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