Splf Tight Space Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello friends! Proud to open my second journal and my third grow. Hope the most successful one. LOL. :D

I always love to track my spendings, so I will start with what I bought / how much I spent and why I choose that over that and so, but first...

My goal is 100gr of dried bud.

Ordered seeds from KillaBeez SeedShop, very happy with service and so, highly recommend! In few words, I bought 3 and received 19. Tried 4, 4/4 germinated and happily growing.

What's inside tent?

* 1 x Dr. Krippling Chocolate Auto
* 3 x Advanced Feminised Seeds AK 47 Auto

paid 22£ for 19!!!


I was thinking about different variations of my grow box, goals was as silent as possible, no smell and top quality bud. Not everything arrived yet, as used aliexpress for some of my stuff, but...

* 50 x 50 x 100 cm Black Orchid Light Grow Tent // 30£ ebay, bought it used (as new condition), defo better than those unbranded ones. The only light leak is through zipper.
* C4R Fan // 15£ amazon warehouse deals. Bathroom extractor fan, the silentest one I could get.
* Viparspectra R300 // 64£ ebay. This will do this grow and maybe next one, but it's too loud! Thinking about quantum board now.
* Hangers // 6£ amazon. Needed to buy those because of the fan, as shipping free was only from 20£.
* FOX carbon filter 4 inch // 20£ ebay. Smallest one I could find.
* 4 x 2gal fabric pots // 3.50£ from ali.
* Plagron Grow Mix 50l // 13£ ebay.
Next time will try CANNA.
* Plagron Terra Bloom 1l // 9£ ebay. Next time will try CANNA.
* Plagron Green Sensation 30ml // 7£ ebay. Next time will try CANNA.
* Timer // 4£ wilko.
* 2 x 9 x 9 cm 12V fans // 2.50 ali.
Silentest and cheapest ones I could find.
* Duct tape // 1.50£ ali. Cheapest one. :D
* Syrinige, carbon sheet, ph test strips, switches, motor dimmers and other bits // 5-10£.

I decided to add some more lighting to the sides, so I decided to go with china LED strips. I will add 4 x 30 cm LED strips into each corner of my tent. Now, what I ordered and still waiting:

* 2M LED strip 4R1B 12w/1m // 2.50£ ali. Was thinking about T5, but price went too high with T5s, so I will try this one with LEDs.
* Aluminium LED holders 4 x 30 cm // 2£ ali.
* 12V5A power supply // 4£ ali.
This will also supply power for fans inside the tent.

I also need acoustic ducting, which is 12£ for 5M, but I am waiting for a deal or a person's ad, as I only need about 2-3m of it. :)

As my C4R fan has two speed setting, I ordered a switch, so I could run that silent mode at night, and full speed at day. Also, I have ordered a rotor switch for my fans inside and those LED strips, if it get's too hot, etc.

My plans for future probably is to add 2 more (to have 4 fans blowing at plants) small ( 4 x 4 cm ) fans inside, because I believe that I will use those I ordered for custom fresh air intake. I also ordered carbon sheet for that kind of thing. We'll see later on.

My next upgrade will be on lamp, I plan to sell this VIPAR and buy a QB, as QB has no fans! and in this case I will be able to grow even more stealthier. :))

My growbox is near where I sleep. For me is OK, but for my love - it's not. :D

I want my carbon filter in the box on the white wardrobe.

In conclusion - everything seems OK, just the lamp... Too loud. But I am willing the best - 100gr of dried top shelf quality bud. I've grown under cheap LED and energy saving CFLs. Weed didn't smell or look good, but how it worked :O I was amazed. I grew under DS Lumii HPS. I run into various problems throughout the grow, I've got good yelds (one plant produced 60gr + of dried), but the quality of smoke was shit. Except good smell. I prefer quality over quantity and I want that good hitting girls. :) I believe I have the right set up for it?

Let me know what do you people think. :)


My lights runs 12/12 now, will switch to full power 18/6 in a day or so. And some photos:

Nice setup! I was thinking of another VP around that size, thanks for the info on the noise level. My VP Par450 is very quiet! Luck to your grow @spliffas , looking forward to watching your progress, cheers!:yahoo:
Nice setup! I was thinking of another VP around that size, thanks for the info on the noise level. My VP Par450 is very quiet! Luck to your grow @spliffas , looking forward to watching your progress, cheers!:yahoo:

Thanks man! It's not that loud, but we live in tiny studio flat atm and my growbox is in the same room where we sleep, so that noise feels. I don't know how loud those 12V fans will be, it was stated no more than 16dB. My C4R fan 15l/s 16dD (this is what I call silent) and 21l/s 29dB (I am on it right now), but my humidity goes up when dark so I am thinking to leave extractor at night on that low power setting. I'm just waiting now, but what I hear is that this VIPAR is about two times louder than my extractor on turbo mode. So I believe VIPAR is around 56dB. :) But if you grow in another room I believe that sound won't be a problem behind closed doors. You can hear nothing outside our flat. Hope this helps.

I overwatered my Chocolate Orange a little, now letting soil to dry. Other than that plants looks wonderful and grows really fast, will post some pictures few days later.


Can't wait for the stuff from china! And still looking for acoustic ducting, the shortest is 5m, but only 10£!
Hello !

My girls doing absolutely fantastic! I added 4 x 30 cm LED strips into corners + 2 12V fans. Now only one girl needs LST, will wait for it to get bigger.
Hello every1!

Harvested. Lots of fails and so, but bud is amazing and around 100-110 dried. So almost achieved my goal.

Next grow gonna with video journal, I will post in on here.

Happy with the results, different than those under HPS.

I believe it is possible to kick around 150gr of dried with this set-up.

My next grow will be 12/12 from seed.

and do not go with more that 2gal pots if running in this kind of set up. :)
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