Spitzer Proposal: Tax Marijuana, Other Subsances


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Gov. Eliot Spitzer's budget proposal included a bill that would require all marijuana and other controlled substances in the state to have a tax stamp. Twenty-nine states, from Massachusetts to Nevada, currently tax drugs.

Spitzer estimates the collection could bring in $13 million this fiscal year, and $17 million the next.

Budget officials said they researched other states' laws to come up with the fees and regulations, though they were doubtful many dealers or users would contact the Department of Taxation and Finance. If people brought in on charges had drugs without a tax stamp, they would then be charged the appropriate taxes.

The bill sets a tax stamp rate for marijuana of $3.50 per gram, and for other controlled substances $200 per gram, regardless of purity. The bill includes a confidentiality clause, which would allow people to request a tax stamp from the state and, in return, their information would not be given to the police.

Alcohol was also targeted in the budget proposal. One bill would place flavored malt beverages, such as hard lemonade, in a new, separate category of alcoholic beverages for taxing purposes. They would be taxed at the rate of $2.54 per gallon or 67 cents per liter. Beer is taxed at 11 cents per gallon.

Source: Newsday (NY)
Copyright: Newsday Inc.
Website: Long Island and New York City news from Newsday.com - A Long Island Newspaper -- Newsday.com
A tax of 100 dollars an oz. will keep every drug dealer in the country up an running. This is stupid. Alcohol is taxed at 11 cents a gallon, and weed at 3.50 a GRAM. Instead of them hiding from the cops, they will be picked up for tax evasion...These people are truly stupid.
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