Sour Diesel Outdoor Grow


New Member
This is my first grow. i decided to do Sour Diesel and it is now in Week 1 of flowering. Enjoy..also have a question how would i be able to tell when to harvest without a microscope?
Hey there - Im also doing an outdoor deisel grow. Im week 3 into flowering. Its a great strain to grow. Very resilient, not too picky about everything being perfect, and it doesnt get too tall. My bud sites are frosting like crazy. So will yours.

To answer your question, it really does pay to invest in a loop to determine harvest time. If the trichromes are about 50% opaque, 50% clear, then you can pull it. Otherwise, wait about 6 to eight weeks total. That means you have about 5-6 weeks left. The longer the better but in my case the colder North East weather is gonna force an earlier cut-down. Ill probably go another 4 weeks for 7 total weeks or flowering. Then, Im gonna smoke her up. Good Luck! :)
MoonMan I just harvested 2 sour diesels that was an indoor grow. I think they could have done better but I did get right at a 100 grams of bud and about 50 grams of shake. It is killer bud and a really nice up lifting high. By the way your plant is looking really good. You will be happy.:goodjob:
As stated you should get at least jewelers loop. I have this one:
40x Mini Magnifier Magnifying Glass LED Illuminate Jeweller Loupe

Also visually if all the pistils have turned color and have turned in to the bud you are very close. I would let the trichromes go to almost all cloudy with a few ambers. That to me is when it should be harvested but that is up to you.
you can use a regular magnifyng glasses or just wait until 70%- 100% of your pistols are brown.:thumb:
Here is an update on the plant..we had a huge wildfire in our town and were forced to evacuate for 9 days so i wasn't able to water for 9 days but they lived and are on the road to going to get some nutes specificially for flowering..any you guys can recommend to get the most yield?

here is a photo of the top of the plant and its bud

here is a photo of the plant i took on 9/20/12

here is a photo of one of the bottom branches..i personally think this is gonna be a good smoke.
the plant is just a lil past the 3rd week of flowering but wasn't watered for 9 days due to wildfire so that could have stunted growth and made it fall behind schedule maybe?
Wow your lucky you have a place to come back to. So good to hear that wasn't the case. To go for 9 days without water is amazing but they are a very hardy plant. They look really good for going through something like that. I'll bet you are going to get some really good buds. I bet you had a very big sigh of relief for more than one thing. Onward to bigger things.

I use Fox Farm nutes. Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom seem to work good
yeah i am lucky i am lucky they are responding well and going to the grow store today to get some good nutes for flowering.
How did this grow turn out?

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Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

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