Something happened three days ago. pls help


420 Member
Good day, tell me about the plant a couple of days ago began to appear spots on the leaves, I think it is going to die, I do not know what to do. 😭

Box 150x150
Light - lumatek ZEUS 1000W Xtreme PPFD CO2.
The box is not ventilated only air + air conditioner, CO2 controller - 1500ppm.
growing coconut perlite 50/50 Autopot system 6pot
Autopot Blackjack suffered the most.
Age 34 days from germination kinda starting to bloom
PH in the barrel 5.6 in the pot 6.7 a couple days floating couldn't catch it in the barrel
Humidity 50% ( Dehumidifier and Humidifier ) Temperature 30
Reverse osmosis water 001 ppm.
Fertilizer line advanced nutrients ph perfect Grow Micro Bloom +additives according to the master table from the website +CalMag of the same company









Looks as if you are feeding the same feed mix to (perhaps?) 3 different strains. Some plants will like it, others not so much.

Also want to mention for your personal safety that’s a lot of CO2 lingering without ventilation, I’m totally ignorant on CO2 don’t know what thresholds are problematic but want to mention it for the 420 home team to draw their attention to a potential problem

Calcium is known to drop out this is perhaps further compounded by bottom feeding. Yes I know autopots but you might want to try top feeding the cal-mag… also the 2 plants on right hand side, the one up front appears to be variegated… some leaves are half yellow and half green

I’m going to shout for @bluter to take a look
Looks as if you are feeding the same feed mix to (perhaps?) 3 different strains. Some plants will like it, others not so much.

Also want to mention for your personal safety that’s a lot of CO2 lingering without ventilation, I’m totally ignorant on CO2 don’t know what thresholds are problematic but want to mention it for the 420 home team to draw their attention to a potential problem

Calcium is known to drop out this is perhaps further compounded by bottom feeding. Yes I know autopots but you might want to try top feeding the cal-mag… also the 2 plants on right hand side, the one up front appears to be variegated… some leaves are half yellow and half green

I’m going to shout for @bluter to take a look
I add calmag to the tank itself every time I change it, I use Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra. Could it be bad?
the first yellow plant is a severe variegation, it's genetic, but it also has the same issues cropping up in the others.

calmag needs to be run continuously in that set up. it's simply part of the nute program.

ph does not work with those nutes in autopots. controlling ph with an autopot is hard. trying to do it with ph perfect is impossible.
I add calmag to the tank itself every time I change it, I use Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra. Could it be bad?
Is that the one without iron? I know there's one that's made without iron. (Random 🤔 thought)
how are you pulling air out and bringing fresh in ? co2 won't work unless you are constantly recirculating properly. you'll need an exhaust set up to dump outdoor. you can't just dump dead air outside the tent in the same room or leave it indoors.

get rid of the c02 until you set the space up correctly.
I had to examine the pics. Closer. Yes like Butler said. The one definitely has some pretty colors that are a natural birthmark. However that other one in the middle. With the long pretty leaves, that looks like a calcium thing.. burn
how are you pulling air out and bringing fresh in ? co2 won't work unless you are constantly recirculating properly. you'll need an exhaust set up to dump outdoor. you can't just dump dead air outside the tent in the same room or leave it indoors.

get rid of the c02 until you set the space up correctly.
The tent is completely sealed, co2 circulates inside, it is not supplied at night when the plants are resting.
Cannabis is a C3 plant. It uses the CO2 it gathers during the light period, when it is photosynthesizing.

then everything is perfect right ?
you've bottled them up. they can't breathe. they can't use the co2. the set up is not helping you.
you're saying the problem isn't a lack of minerals, it's that they need to breathe air? :D

you have a few things going on at once. co2 turbocharges everything, including problems if you have them. and you do.

i would set the space up correct before adding co2. you'll need circulation and a scrubber that removes air to outdoor.

i'd cancel the co2, and fix the plants first. and address the exhaust.
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