Someone Please Help Me


New Member
Ok so i have two new clones (afghan) that i got from the medical dispensarie and i had transplanted them into soil (fox Farm) and the last two days i put them in direct sunlight and this morning i saw that a few of the leaves had turned white,grayish color and a few of the leaves are twisting under and i don't know if i exposed the clone to too much sunlight or if the pant is in shock or is it because i hadn't harden the plant before putting her in direct sunlight and i have been looking around for an exact picture of how my pant is but i cant find one that is similar to the situation that i am in so if anyone can Please help me i would Really Really appreciate it.:adore:
Sounds like both too much sun to fast and transplant shock. Try some transplant / clone nutes w vitB at 1/4 strength and CFL's or some other lightsource. Give them at least a week or two to get adjusted, if you were a kid you wouldn't be right in a new home the first few days either ..... =)

yeahh serously it was a rookie move for me to do since i am a beginner and thanks for the advice i really appreciate the help i hope everything does go well:peace:
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