Some help with canoeing leaves


420 Member
Just a little help would be great thank you .... I'v got a kush and a blueberry, a few days ago the blueberry looked sick, all the leafs was down but no other signs of anything, so i gave it a compost tea mix and it came back alive after a few hrs ... anyways, i gave the kush some of the tea aswell and a day later it looks like this ....

this is the blueberry which is fine, but i see a tiny bit of end leaf curling .. so i think this will be fine.


I flushed the kush (top image) out in the bath 3 times ..... will this survive and look back to normal in a few days ? or is my plant doomed ? :( .... i'm thinking the tea was to much for it ? strain dependent etc etc

thank you .. any help would be fine :)

edit: the kush looked lovely a day ago, leafs preying up to the light etc .. very healthy.
Yeah looks like too much nitrogen. The flush was the right thing to do. That is not from over watering.
Yeah looks like too much nitrogen. The flush was the right thing to do. That is not from over watering.
yea that's what i thought too much N ..... as i know over waterering can give the same symptoms of too much N .... how do u know it isn't over watering then ? what tells me it's not from over watering ?

edit: over watering water logs it, showing like it has NO N ... yellow leaves ? is this right ?
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