So many questions!


420 Member
I hope these aren't too stupid to ask but this is my first time trying to grow in an Aerogarden. First of all, I've got just one autoflower growing in a 9 pod Aero garden and so far the plant seems to be doing great but it's already out grown the system to where I had to remove the light from it and move the whole thing outside. Now, the root system is definitely running out of room in this thing. I'd hate to
lose this plant too young in life. I thought since it is an autoflower that it would have matured by now. Anyway, are there any thoughts on this? And, I've been feeding this going by what the nutrients bottle says to do with a 9 pod size garden with Aerogarden nutrients. Should I keep going with that? Please someone enlighten me!! Thanks!


lots of white pistils so she’s still got a ways to go.

I’ve seen aero gardens but never used one. I’d imagine there’s a lot of roots crammed in small space!! Typically we advise folks to buy cannabis specific nutes since they need high N but lower PK for veg but then they need lower N and higher PK for flower.

I’m dirt farmer but the hydro peeps should jump in soon. Anyways let’s give the crew time to wake up and see what else comes in.

How old is she?
When did she start to flower?
What were the breeders estimates on run time for this strain
Whoa interesting set up..... Also not familiar with anything hydro.... But if the roots are clean and healthy I would let her finish the way she is.

There are a couple members here that have grown monster plants in solo cups.... So to me if you can grow a big plant in a handful of dirt you should be able to do the same here.

Here are a couple examples I pulled from Google.

Either way your doing bomb and keep up the good work.
aero gardens are meant to be flipped much much sooner to control the size of the plant. you've got an auto so you have no influence over that.
Whoa interesting set up..... Also not familiar with anything hydro.... But if the roots are clean and healthy I would let her finish the way she is.

There are a couple members here that have grown monster plants in solo cups.... So to me if you can grow a big plant in a handful of dirt you should be able to do the same here.

Here are a couple examples I pulled from Google.

Either way your doing bomb and keep up the good work.
Thank you! And those are some pretty nice plants in the Dixie cups! Point well made! No more worries.
Whoa interesting set up..... Also not familiar with anything hydro.... But if the roots are clean and healthy I would let her finish the way she is.

There are a couple members here that have grown monster plants in solo cups.... So to me if you can grow a big plant in a handful of dirt you should be able to do the same here.

Here are a couple examples I pulled from Google.

Either way your doing bomb and keep up the good work.
Looks like a stack for a couple of years :) nice job, gonna transplant into bigger pots?
Looks like a stack for a couple of years :) nice job, gonna transplant into bigger pots?
Oh those were not mine. Those were to show reference to not necessarily needing a lot of space to grow beasts plants and that it is possible to rock out in small containers.

I typically grow in 1-3 gallon pots and get fairly decent results. I should try the solo cup style and see what I can do 🤔😅.
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