So I mite have to take a urine test.


New Member
i didnt want to make this post bc its probbally askd all the time but it seems like you guys are the pros.

last time i smoked was oct 19. i smoked daily. about a blunt/bowl a day. i had an unexpected interview the next day and if i were to get the job (which it seems :headbanger: ) im going to need to take a drug test. ive went through 2 cases of water so far. i drink about 2-3 half liter bottles of h2o daily. now i got a road trip tomorrow w some friends and smoking will def be brought up. if i smoke a little tomorrow and have a test some time next week possibly, will i be ok? im thinking of just resorting to a friend to piss in a cup...

all help is appreciated :allgood:
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