Smoke Signals


New Member
I have just finished reading "Smoke Signals" by Martin Lee. By far, this is the most comprehensive book I have ever read on cannabis. It is my belief that no one can read this book and maintain opposition to reclassifying cannabis to at least schedule III. I live in the only county in California (Inyo) that has never had a cannabis dispensary purely because of politics and misinformation.
At my own cost, I am going to purchase enough copies of this book to supply a copy to each county supervisor, the county sheriff, the district attorney and the superior court.
A paperback issue will be released in Aug. 2013 for less than $11.

If every pro-cannabis organization would ask for contributions in order to supply this book to every member of congress and every justice in the appellate and Supreme court; it would, I believe, start a revolution for the reclassification of cannabis. At $11, every member of congress and the courts mentioned could be provided a copy for less than $10,000.

At the state level this could also be done to get a copy to every member of a state's legislature.
In many cases, anti prohibition efforts have been reactive in nature. Supplying this book to as many in government and the justice system as possible could be very proactive at a minimal cost compared to the personal and financial costs experienced by many in the anti-prohibition movement.

Read it yourself and see if you agree.

Every book I supply will have this note slipped inside the cover.
Is there a fountain of truth?
I believe it exists and it is the pursuit of knowledge.
The book that accompanies this brief note is, I believe, the most comprehensive book ever written about cannabis (marijuana), its culture, the reasons attributed to both its suppression and promotion and last of all its accepted or potential medical benefits.
All too often segments of society and even governments deny access to knowledge in the attempt to promote an ideology they favor. Often times they are devout believers and demonize any attempt to publicly promote information that varies from their own beliefs. All too often that demonetization was or is based in racial, ethnic, cultural or social differences.
In fact what some promote is silencing the undesirable messenger by any means possible to prevent the message from being delivered; even if the message could be or is in fact beneficial.
Some folks take this to the extremes. You could drag them kicking and screaming to a fountain of truth and they would refuse to even take a sip. In fact some would shout and struggle claiming you were trying to poison them. The most egregious act from this type of person or a government is not that they themselves refuse to face the truth but they often do all they can to prevent others from realizing that the fountain of truth even exists. If they are not successful in hiding the fountain they do all they can to convince everyone else that it is poison.
A lie is nothing more than theft. It steals a person's ability to weigh all aspects of any situation and then make a valid decision.
Please read the whole book!
I have just finished reading "Smoke Signals" by Martin Lee. By far, this is the most comprehensive book I have ever read on cannabis. It is my belief that no one can read this book and maintain opposition to reclassifying cannabis to at least schedule III. I live in the only county in California (Inyo) that has never had a cannabis dispensary purely because of politics and misinformation.
At my own cost, I am going to purchase enough copies of this book to supply a copy to each county supervisor, the county sheriff, the district attorney and the superior court.
A paperback issue will be released in Aug. 2013 for less than $11.

If every pro-cannabis organization would ask for contributions in order to supply this book to every member of congress and every justice in the appellate and Supreme court; it would, I believe, start a revolution for the reclassification of cannabis. At $11, every member of congress and the courts mentioned could be provided a copy for less than $10,000.

At the state level this could also be done to get a copy to every member of a state's legislature.
In many cases, anti prohibition efforts have been reactive in nature. Supplying this book to as many in government and the justice system as possible could be very proactive at a minimal cost compared to the personal and financial costs experienced by many in the anti-prohibition movement.

Read it yourself and see if you agree.

Every book I supply will have this note slipped inside the cover.
Is there a fountain of truth?
I believe it exists and it is the pursuit of knowledge.
The book that accompanies this brief note is, I believe, the most comprehensive book ever written about cannabis (marijuana), its culture, the reasons attributed to both its suppression and promotion and last of all its accepted or potential medical benefits.
All too often segments of society and even governments deny access to knowledge in the attempt to promote an ideology they favor. Often times they are devout believers and demonize any attempt to publicly promote information that varies from their own beliefs. All too often that demonetization was or is based in racial, ethnic, cultural or social differences.
In fact what some promote is silencing the undesirable messenger by any means possible to prevent the message from being delivered; even if the message could be or is in fact beneficial.
Some folks take this to the extremes. You could drag them kicking and screaming to a fountain of truth and they would refuse to even take a sip. In fact some would shout and struggle claiming you were trying to poison them. The most egregious act from this type of person or a government is not that they themselves refuse to face the truth but they often do all they can to prevent others from realizing that the fountain of truth even exists. If they are not successful in hiding the fountain they do all they can to convince everyone else that it is poison.
A lie is nothing more than theft. It steals a person's ability to weigh all aspects of any situation and then make a valid decision.
Please read the whole book!

...Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. Thomas Jefferson
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