Smoke it before it gets confiscated. Duh!


New Member
What's in your freezer right now? No, don't go look. Do it from memory. Not so easy to remember, is it? And you're probably forgetting that bag of mixed vegetables that's been in there longer than you've been married, or the box of diet Fudgecicles that came to live in the chilly confines of your freezer roughly the same time Eric the Red landed in Greenland. Let's face it, it's easy to lose track of what's in there.

But some items are more memorable than others. So we wonder what was {with} up with "Sal" and "Eva." two citizens of De Leon Springs, Florida. One day, officers from the Florida fish and wildlife conservation commission came to their door and asked to look through their freezer. Just a few hours before, Sal and Eva had been written up for shooting at deer from their car; they'd been found in their car with a shotgun and open beer cans shortly after officers heard gunshots in the Ocala National Forest. Now the officers wanted to make sure the two of them weren't in possession of illegal venison.

Sal and Eva gave them permission to look because, as it happens, there was no venison in the freezer. But Sal and Eva forgot about something else they had in the freezer: two plastic bags filled with a total of about a pound of Marijuana. That's a lot of pot. Even if you're baked to your gills we're betting you'd probably remember where you'd stashed that.

What an interesting collection of charges Sal and Eva ended up with: Felony possession of Marijuana and taking a deer at night, plus discharging a firearm on a highway and possession of an open container.

`Kind of makes you want to go check out your freezer doesn't it? You know, just to be sure.

*Uncle John's presents Book of the Dumb : p.g 239-240 "YOU FOUND WHAT IN MY FREEZER?"

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