Smart Pot Results - So Far


Well-Known Member
went from 4 gal regular pots, to 5 gal smart pots. six godbud plants. five smart pots. i did their first flush last night. the regular potted plant, is a good third smaller than the others. and, the buds are less than half the size. first run with these bags. may just have to get five more. i had heard they were an option. so far, so good. next run in them will probably be the purple bud. (white label).
Re: smart pot results, so far

I like the smart pots. I am 90% thru a 12 smart Grow, using a 600W HPS Plus two 150W HPS's - 4 x 4 x 7' grow tent from seed purchased from Holland. I like them because they're smart and I can play poker ~ just seeing if you were listening. The allow more oxygen to get to the roots.
That said, the most important things in any grow are: 1) Good seeds, 2) control of temperature and humidity and 3) Harvest, drying and curing skills.
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