Slick's First Random Bag Seed Grow


New Member
Hey guys, I recently decided to start my grow journal after stalking this site for sometime lol, the help your provide is great, I love the idea of other enthusiasts helping me trying to get through my grow :). So let me tell yôu where I'm at:
I made my grow box out of a computer box with 2 cfls in it, and two fans blowing a pretty nice breeze. I will add pictures later. As I am on my phone at this moment.

I soaked my random bag seeds (2 of them) in some water for about 2 - 3 days.
After they popped I used the paper towel method for about 2 mor days and they grew some nice roots, I transferred them into two different pots, my first one into a clay pot, the second into a red solo cup, with a few cut holes in the bottom. I am using Fox Farms ocean floor and my medium. And immediately put it on a 18/6 cycle

My seed in my cup has sprouted, and just tonight, let go of its shell, only after the one and a half days after planting :) .!!!!!! (Soo happy!!!!)
But to my disappointment, the one in the clay pot has not sprouted....

Now I do have a. Confession, when I put the seeds into the soil, I didn't pre-water the soil (is that bad?!) what I did was put the seed in and sprayed it 10 times with a spray bottle, then grabbed a straw and stuck it at the bottom, and then sprayed until it loaded the straw with water and let it seep through, and I've been lightly spraying it every day when the lights go on. So it stays moist. Is this ok? What should I do?

And this is where I'm at. :) I'm happy where I'm at today :) I will be adding pictures and actual information when I have it. :) and am able to post it :) which will be shortly!!! So what do you guys think?

I just posted pics but, can't tell if they are working as I am on my phone, I did stop by the photo sharing help guide and it didn't help me much :(
I don't have any help?..... But I have an update, the sprout is looking healthy and straitening out more and more!!!! :)
Alright guys so day four is here and I'm worried, my plant hasn't really grown In the past 2 days :( anything I'm doing wrong?

I think I got the images to work, let's see....
Alright, I have heard a lot about flight warriors or something like that do you think that will work? And is that why my little seedling has just decided to shrink up? I'll get a photo right now for you
Also thank you so much for replying :)

Right now it's in it's dark cycle so I don't want to disturb it, but it looks as if the little leaves have decided to shrink and I don't think it's going to make it :( but we will see

Edit- if this grow doesn't work I'm goon. To wait for some seeds in the mail, should I just do an auto flower because of the small space I have?
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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