Sick seedlings


New Member
Been having a bit of bother with these g13 Cinderella 99 seedlings. They are in a 60:40 coco clay mix under a 125w CFL in the small room temps are normal, humidity is low however, around 45%. I have a feeling I overwatered and probably started giving them nutes too early as well (about 3 days from sprouting) but I'd like a second opinion. They took a good bit of stress at 1 week from sprouting when my CFL and reflector came loose and fell on them bending a few stalks and probably burning them a bit in the hours before I noticed. I would just like you guys to give me another opinion.

Haven't watered them for 3 days now hoping they will dry up a bit and that's the problem. There's no ventilation in that tent, but at this size I'm not sure how much of an issue that may be. Using full range canna coco nutes. Thanks guys.

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The ph is between 5.6 & 5.8 always. It looks unusual to me because one leaf is curling up and one is curling down on one of them.

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Pots look a little dry so the drooping could be under watering at the mo.

Nutrient def appears likely mainly nitrogen but signs of others either P or K perhaps both bit hard to tell at the moment.

I'd question how often are you feeding & how much nutrients used per feed just in case you using reduced rate of application ?
You might be right fuzzy duck, I felt the top soil and it still feels a bit moist to me, but maybe the rest has been used up. I was feeding every couple of days but it's been about 4 days now since they last had water or nutrient. I was using the canna suggested amount for the stage they are in. I think they could have done with half strength, at least for a while after sprouting. Think I gave them too much too soon. Going to use a bit of formulex with water today and see if that makes much of a difference.

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Well over feeding to cause nutrient burn looks a lot different from nutrient def's !

Bottled guide lines are only a guide line at the end of the day & some times may be needed to adjust them a little...

I don't use canna at the moment but most of their stuff comes in a 2 bottle formula A&B ya just need to mix em up correctly, just in case !

Other wise i might suggest getting into a routine on when to feed/water, ye growing is a bit like that... it is not slap 'n' dash unfortunately i've got funny feeling ya on your first grow bud.
This is grow #2, currently finishing 6 incredible bulk. For that grow everything ran through the autopots and they took care of watering expertly. Unfortunately I'm just having difficulty of how heavy/ light handed to be when feeding. Combined with this new tent I'm just having to learn new conditions.

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Update: think they were a tad underwatered as well as the temps being lower than I thought they were due to the positioning of the thermometer. 50ml per pot and there is run off so I'll be feeding this way every 2 days from now on.

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