Sick plant please help


Well-Known Member
hey guys!

so here is the same jack herer strain, looking healthy right?


now here is the sick one. it looks like the CLAW and a purple stem. looking for help. its coco/perlite medium this one got a feeding like 10 hours ago of 250 ppm calmag and general hydroponics flora with a little superthrive. all the water ran through them has been around ph 6.0 and also they have gotten inoculated with great white.

ps it has been doing the claw and purple stem even before the last feeding. it has been like this for 3 days now, please help.

sorry i should have included this. i think they all got overwatered two days ago, so yesterday i did not water at all. i watered this morning at 7am after they were quite dry in the coco/perlite so i expected that to solve the drooping problem but this one persists. also none of them had this claw looking thing going on like this.

im pretty sure they were all affected with over watering two days ago but they all bounced back except this one

maybe i just gave it extra water those waterings or something and it needs more time????
sick plant plz help

At that size about two weeks. You're overdoing it with the nutes. They don't need much at that age. It looks like early stages of nitrogen toxicity have set in. Expect it to get worse. It might not be as bad because you're in coco. Hopefully you can add a fan and let it dry out some. What are the nutrient ratios of your nutes? (NPK)
It would have been better to use ProMix in the solo cups with no nutrient additions and then transplanted to pre watered/pre nutrient treated coco when your roots were good.

Is this a hydroponics grow?
GH Flora what? Gro, Bloom, Blend?
Why are you using superthrive? It's totally useless and a waste of money. Google "superthrive myth busters" it contains the synthetic hormone NAA and you shouldn't be smoking that.

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OK after looking around and listening to you guys i think it is over watering. i think thats all just droop from over watering. im not too sure how to fix it, one of u said add a fan to help dry out, i have done this. i wont water tell quite dry and then when i do because ppm is so low and coco is not full of salt yet, i will water with a small amount (50 ml) or so of water rather than 20% run off in this stage which was like 150 ml of water.

i guess it should have been obvious at this stage the plants wont use much water and the coco is not full of salts, so no need to have so much run off.

if it continues after this i will try what jimmyjames said and assume its nit tox. mainly the reason i can lean toward overwatering is because i have been watering a lot, and also have dosed a jack herer similar in size and age at 300ppm with much higher nitrogen ratio and no toxicity hope im close either way ill watch this one for any burning. jimmy james you say the nit tox will get worse, if it is this problem how can i see the symptoms worsen?

ill post back next time im about to water them (when they are dry and ready for watering) and then after i water them to see results. thanks everyone. i expect they wont be dry by tomorrow.
This is a photo taken today of one of my plants my roommate "watered" for me. You can read the horrible details in my Grow journal. This is after a month. You can see the way the ends of the leaves point straight down.

This is a side by side with
the plant that didn't get poisoned.
Both were planted on the same day.

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just an update it was over watering with that plant

i have found new plants in coco can be easily over watered. also new plants transplanted to coco are very easily over watered.

if the coco has many roots in it, coming out bottom of pot i can be watering them 2x a day easily. new transplants i am waiting 2 days or so to even touch
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