Siamese Mutant


New Member
Hi, recently germinated a couple of seeds using the damp paper towel method. As soon as they sprouted they were placed in "Root Riot" blocks. at this point they appeared totally normal. However, after a couple of days growth one of them (An SAD from Sweet Seeds) took on an appearance completely different to any I'd seen before. As you can see from the attached photo, it put up not one but TWO shoots! i should add that there is no way this can be due to my inadvertently planting two seeds by mistake. not only did i purchase 3 seeds and have 2 left, I actually looked at them through a magnifier before germination and nothing untoward was spotted. assuming that this IS a known phenomenon, my real question is what I should do about it. should I try splitting the root ball in half when it attains a viable size or let it be? I also wonder what effect it might have on development (As I write, about 4 days after the photo was taken, the other seed, admittedly of a different strain, seems to be developing more rapidly), not only as regards potency but also sex (Feminised seed). Any thoughts would be really welcome. Thanks.
PitViper had a Three sprout Seed. He split them and has Three healthy plants.
Get your doctor smock on and perform some surgery.
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