Shriveling and mis-colored leaves

That plant's about ready to crop so I'd just take off any dead leaves and snip off the dead spots from any leaves with a decent amount of green on them and let her finish up a bit more.

Sounds like your buddy doesn't know much about growing pot so you should hang around here more so you can teach him. :)

He helped me out by giving me the plants for my first time didn't know they where so far along tho just trying to learn how to grow myself so any tips help.
Read the how to harvest and cure your buds sectoin of the forum, dry and cure your wonderful gift. And enjoy the smoke as you prepare to grow your own.


With all this talk of 'cut the plant' or not. If they don't have any seeds, you'll have to check if you have any males, then you may want to not kill the plants when you harvest them. Can you get seeds or clones or young plants? If you want to grow, and you can't easily get starting seeds or clones, then you'll need to get these or one of these plants back into vegetative growth after you harvest them.
I planned on buying more seeds but if there is a way to start a new generation from the ones I have that would be great no idea how to go about it tho. Also don't know the strain or anything about these plants atm.
I read a post here a while back and I can't remember the author, that basically said, bagseed vs bought seed, it doesn't really matter because everything started as bagseed. Or something to that effect, my take on that is, the quality of the weed depends on how it's grown. And in your own grow, that's up to you.

As I understand it, and I'll be attempting this myself, when you harvest the plant, do not chop all the branches. Leave several lower branches and buds, yes leave a few buds, with some leaves. Unpot the plant and trim the root ball back carefully by I think 2/3rds, I'll have to double check. Then re pot it and throw in some high nitrogen fert for good measure and make sure it's getting solidly more than 12 hours of light, basically take it to 18/6. In a few weeks the plant will hormonally change back into veg state and begin to grow again. At that point, you take clones from the new growth and grow them. You know have a mother plant that you have a really good idea how will grow, and what the high will be like. You'll need to keep your new mother plant somewhere she can stay in veg state, so you may need a separate little box for her.

Pretty much if you can get seeds, try some different strains out for sure. If you want, you can try and re-veg one or more of these, then in the future you can save a favorite plant whenever you decide to.

Hah I almost sound experienced at that. I'm not. But I did read on 420 last night.
Hah I almost sound experienced at that. I'm not. But I did read on 420 last night.

possibly stayed at a Best Western Express?

If you are thinking about moving indoors you should get your environment worked out before you have any plants. This is a great hobby! I wish I had done my homework before I started. First and foremost you need a light proof room, even a closet door will let a little light in.

Then the rest is up to you, lights, food, dirt?Mabey hydro? Coco is my favorite!

Chop that plant down and never think of it again.
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