Shriveling and mis-colored leaves


New Member
A friend gave me few plants that are already growing and some of the leaves are weird colored spotted or shriveling up. I've never grown before so I'm not sure if something is wrong or how to take care of them.
Looks like you might have a few issues. Yellowing is normal at this stage but the dying and curling looks like a P lockout. Your PH is possibly off. The little white spots looks like pest damage. Possibly mites. If you chop and hang the whole plant upside down they will all crawl up to the stump.

Do those tubs have good drainage?
You got to have good drainage. I agree it looks like multiple issues. The pic's aren't good enough to tell, but I'd guess mites. Get a 20X or better magnifier and look at the back side of the leaves. Mites are tiny but do a lot of damage leaving little white spots on the tops of the leaves (not the sugar).
Those look close to harvest. Is there much benefit trying to curb deficiencies in a late flowering plant or should one ride it out and address more immedeate problems like the infestation issue? Not to hijack but I'm interested since I'm seeing all sorts of leaf defciencies at week8 indoors, and I understood this was 'normal'.
Those look close to harvest. Is there much benefit trying to curb deficiencies in a late flowering plant or should one ride it out and address more immedeate problems like the infestation issue? Not to hijack but I'm interested since I'm seeing all sorts of leaf defciencies at week8 indoors, and I understood this was 'normal'.

I'd probably harvest early and be done with it. It seems the most prudent course. If there are pests, I doubt I'd want to smoke it after you treat the plant for them.
How can I tell if there are mites? and can I do anything to keep them growing and treat the mites?
You got to have good drainage. I agree it looks like multiple issues. The pic's aren't good enough to tell, but I'd guess mites. Get a 20X or better magnifier and look at the back side of the leaves. Mites are tiny but do a lot of damage leaving little white spots on the tops of the leaves (not the sugar).

Even the mildest, organic miticides can be nasty. I've not tried the uber-groovy treatments like garlic water or oil. Neem, pyrethrum and soaps are the safest short-term treatments. Your new pic's are much better but I still can't be sure - sorry.
I don't think I'll be able to get a better pic than those. So would I water with garlic water or just spray the plants with it?

Try to get a good look with magnification at the back of the leaves. You don't want to treat it for something it doesn't have. The garlic thing is a foliar application, but it can be used as a drench, as well. That's for different pests, however.
I got as good of a look as I could and I couldn't see anything my friend told me the white stuff was something he used to keep bugs off. Should I be trimming it at all like the dead or shriveled up leaves?
I'd trim the dead leaves and tug them first, they may just come off easily. I'd also cut any of the leaves with the white gunk now, or absolutely right before or as you harvest. Neem can work on mites, but honestly, I agree with the Major, ride it out or harvest. If you can't get a 60x loupe (unless you have better eyes than me, you can't see colors of trichs well enough at x30, then again my mk.I eyeballs have been around a while.) I'd have as close a look at your trichs as you can, but cut it. All the hairs look turned, so if there's no new ones coming out, she's good to go.

Before you go grabbing some neem, I've used it, it rocks. But it smells like wet month old socks, or rotting peanut butter depending on who you ask, is oily, sticky, and will coat and gum up anything you use to mix it in or with. If you did use it on plants so close to harvest, which you could, you'd ruin the buds either having neem stuck to them, or by destroying them trying to wash off any overspray that got on the buds. It's not something to use if you don't really have to. Safer soap on a sponge isn't worth the effort I think.

Is there a reason you want to keep these plants alive vs harvesting? If they are as far along or farther than they look, if you wait too long, you will ruin the buds if they all go amber. Even if they're not 100% cloudy, it should be a good smoke if they're a decent strain.

And just out of curiosity, did you friend tell you what the 'stuff' is?
Hmmm Ok. I've never grown outdoors so I really don't know if the differences in times, is that great, and I don't think they are. A few more months sounds completely wrong unless they are some seriously slow flowering plants.

Without clarification from the original grower on strain and time in flower, get a loupe or harvest or you run the risk of the whole thing going amber and ruining itself. I found that growing needs as much precision as you can give it. But it's your call. Make sure to post what it's like when you do harvest it!
I would get rid of the yellow, dead leaves.
I trimmed them and it seems most of the shriveling is from one of the larger plants with many branches that looked like they where attached to the others.
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