Shreds of light


New Member
question: my friend just started an 18/6 dark period...but she cracks the door letting in a little outdoor light during the dark...although she tries to keep the plant elevated and away from the light, also uses some dark covering to further diminish the light...please help...she wants the most potent possible
also, the plant (18/6 cycle) is maybe 7 inches tall, and is starting to turn light it deficient in nutrients or something? friend is using a flowering and root nutrient mix...hydro. thx
critical mass moved to flowering room at the end of november ! The Ph meter was way out of wack and I wound feeding them 3.58 for God knows how long! Today Im going to pull the damn things down even though after all these months under a 600 they still arent all milky and most still clear. My northern lights went long too. Has anybody got any input. Im feeding w/ house and garden and may have had a slight light leak but not enough to see the out line of the plants. Im stumped. zion
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