Feel free to post your trichome pics and/or your trichome taking tricks!
-My tricks:
-Use a 1000x digital scope or similar
-Use a tripod or microphone holder to steady the scope
-Swirl scope as you would an ultrasound wand
-Refocus as necessary
-Be further away rather than directly on the object and then focus in for clarity
-My tricks:
-Use a 1000x digital scope or similar
-Use a tripod or microphone holder to steady the scope
-Swirl scope as you would an ultrasound wand
-Refocus as necessary
-Be further away rather than directly on the object and then focus in for clarity
Sirius Black and Zombie Death-Grow Journal
Trichomes, scoped with gooseneck held digital microscope
@Weed Seeds Express Sirius...
@Weed Seeds Express Sirius...
Sirius Black and Zombie Death-Grow Journal
Trichomes, scoped with gooseneck held digital microscope
@Weed Seeds Express Sirius...
@Weed Seeds Express Sirius...
Big Bull-Grow Journal
That's a Load of Bull Split Tent Grow under the @Mars Hydro SP3000
DAY 91, DAY 32...
DAY 91, DAY 32...
Sirius Black and Zombie Death-Grow Journal
Trichomes, scoped with gooseneck held digital microscope
@Weed Seeds Express Sirius...
@Weed Seeds Express Sirius...