Should I up the water?


Well-Known Member
Nfsot so I read when watering I'm larger pots after two sets of leaves, you can soak the top a bit, is the same true in cups, should I up the water a little, I have just been misting the top about ten pumps, twice a day.


Hold the presses, first these questions should be on main faq page not growers lounge, but that’s cool - you didn’t know so no biggie the mods will move them Growers lounge

next the fill it up part means fill the cup with soil not water, your seedling is growing in an air vacuum, air doesn’t move properly across the surface of the soil since cup edges prevent it.
Hold the presses, first these questions should be on main faq page not growers lounge, but that’s cool - you didn’t know so no biggie the mods will move them Growers lounge

next the fill it up part means fill the cup with soil not water, your seedling is growing in an air vacuum, air doesn’t move properly across the surface of the soil since cup edges prevent it.
Oh ok, now I get it, thank you.
Hold the presses, first these questions should be on main faq page not growers lounge, but that’s cool - you didn’t know so no biggie the mods will move them Growers lounge

next the fill it up part means fill the cup with soil not water, your seedling is growing in an air vacuum, air doesn’t move properly across the surface of the soil since cup edges prevent it.
I honestly thought he was telling me to fill it to the brim with water every time , thank God I'm not a leming. And a bunch of dumb shit I read gave me the impression you left like an inch.
I honestly thought he was telling me to fill it to the brim with water every time , thank God I'm not a leming. And a bunch of dumb shit I read gave me the impression you left like an inch.
Ohhhh, shit now I see , I guess a lot of the soil must have washed out. It was like one inch from the top.
Ohhhh, shit now I see , I guess a lot of the soil must have washed out. It was like one inch from the top.
Surprised I didn't notice this in person, what can I do now? Go ahead and throw it in a bigger cloth pot?
I agree about continue misting, carefully. Also see Nunyabiz post #2, fill up the cup with more soil next time. Too little soil in the cup creates walls around the seedling- less air circulation means soils will remain wet longer and could lead to seedling damping-off.
Yeah it was almost to the tip, I guess a lot washed out? Anyhow I trimmed about an inch off of the cup, it is flush now.
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