Should I repot this close to harvet?


420 Member
Hello all, so quick run down. Got an auto harvest here, ordered seeds from herbys like 10 years ago so no clue what it was. It's been under 24hr light since birth. It's under an LED sauser light and gets put outside during the day a couple times a week. It's been planted since late May early April and Tricomes are still clear. I got major yellowing on my sun leaves, I know it needs repotted and it shouldn't be from nutrient Def. I'm just wondering if I should repot this far into flowering!?!?!


Nope - Save the effort she’s done building roots at this point… just feed her all the way thru if you have nutes

Edit to add…
Ok painted myself into corner here… but this applies to photoperiods mostly and you said autos.., So yes absolutely you can transplant to larger but she can’t build roots into the new soil this late in the game. You want that last transplant into new soil / bigger home to happen 3 to 4 weeks before the flip, so she can lace it up with roots. A more seasoned grower that knows how to build killer rootballs might whittle that timeline down to 1 or 2 weeks but I’m long way off myself…again up here I’m talking about transplant timing for photoperiods

So the auto flower thing is weird too, half the peeps say don’t transplant autos other half does it anyway and works out fine. Some start autos in bigger pot and modify water practices to account for the extra soil. Others top or transplant once the auto starts to flower.

Autos can flower on any light schedule but most here opt for 20 hours on against 4 hours off. Lots of light to reach DLI but few hours of rest too. She’s eating her own arms off to build flowers, that is nute deficiency the yellowing is translocation of mobile nutrients… some nutes are mobile others not. She could use a bump from nutes if you have any. I wouldn’t worry to much about her for now but defs gear up for your next run, by all means finish growing her out but don’t expect her to bulk up to much this late in game..

For killer autoflower grow journals go to search box and look for these members… Justin Goody, Deeboy, or BooWho2

anyways hope that helps!
Curious why you think it shouldn't be a nutrient def. ? That plant looks pretty hungry, starving in fact, from what I can see in your pics.
Yes, this that Sueet mentions.

@rimbobjimbob, what are you feeding, what is the dose and how often?
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