Should I defoliate?


Well-Known Member
Growing this plant in the windowsill. Northern Lights fem. Is about 5 months old and well into flower. Will some defoliation at this stage help make the plant focus on ripening the flowers? Or will it be counterproductive? If defoliation is an option, how much should I remove?

I mean you can, but she’s receiving enough light throughout her you may not need to. On the other hand, you can always remove leaves from the center of the canopy and any leaves near the bottom of the stalk. Go for it, it wont hurt her, just don’t strip her.
Good job with the window plant. Many who try do not end up with a plant as large as yours.

Will some defoliation at this stage help make the plant focus on ripening the flowers? Or will it be counterproductive?
Probably counterproductive since the remaining leaves are still doing photosynthesis which is producing the sucrose the plant needs for staying and alive and for flower growth/development. Take out too many leaves and the harvest might suffer in quantity and quality at the end.
Good job with the window plant. Many who try do not end up with a plant as large as yours.

Probably counterproductive since the remaining leaves are still doing photosynthesis which is producing the sucrose the plant needs for staying and alive and for flower growth/development. Take out too many leaves and the harvest might suffer in quantity and quality at the end.
Thank you. It got a good bit of the summer sunshine with 13-14 hrs of daytime during the veg state. Interestingly, flipped without the photoperiod going below 12hrs. That happens in my part of the world only by mid to late Oct. 2 of my other Sativa landraces have also flipped. Though based on my past experience there flowering phase itself will be very long.
Interestingly, flipped without the photoperiod going below 12hrs. That happens in my part of the world only by mid to late Oct.
The sunrise and sunset times are used by astronomers. The first hour or so after sunrise time and the last hour before sunset time are a very weak light. It might be enough that we can walk around and do things but the light intensity is so low that it might as well be night time for the plant.

Most of my outdoor plants start flowering between the 5th and 15th of August even though the fall equinox will not happen until Sept 22nd.
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