Should I crop, move plants, or let it be?


New Member
What Strain is it? From left to right: LA connection, Blue Dream, Grand Daddy Purple
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Hybrid
How Many Plants? 6
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? veg
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long? week 3
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Hydro
If Hydro, Reservoir size? 18 gallon
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature? 74 f
If Hydro, what type of Medium? Rockwool and Hydroten
If Hydro, what type of Setup? Deep Culture
Size (Wattage) of Light? 240w Grow Dorm LED
How Many? 1
Is it Air Cooled? yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? between 74 to 78
RH of Room/Cabinet? 46
PH of Medium or Reservoir? between 5.5 and 6.1
Any Pests? no :wood:
How Often are you Watering? I change the water in the reservoir every sunday
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Blue Planet 3 part with liquid seaweed and vita blue
Size or Square Footage of Room? 2x4x6

I built a deep water culture system out of 2 18 gal tubs and placed 6 plants in it:

as you can see the middle plants are far outgrowing the two left ones (I'm sure due to genetics)

The roots are already tangled together in the reservoir and I wanted to know what I should do.
How much would it hurt the plants to separate them at this point?
Should I in stead just let them do their thing? It doesn't seem to be hurting anything at this point.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
re: Should I crop, move plants, or let it be.

Tough call as they're all.healthy. if u can get the smaller ones out and in another dwc setup it'd be best obviously but I see no killing healthy plants. Guess u could cut the smaller ones into clones then flower the big ones.
Re: Should I crop, move plants, or let it be.

if you use light fingers you can very carefully untie the roots from eachother.

But you need surgeon hands and lots of patience.
Re: Should I crop, move plants, or let it be.

I don't think I can untangle these...

Anyway, I'm just going to let it ride... As long as the Blue dream ends up ok, I'll be happy.
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