She's upset with me and I need your help - Pretty please with a cherry on top


New Member

Long time listener, first time caller - er, i mean long time reader, first time poster.

I am doing a lot of research and I can't quite put my finger on the exact issue. There is a browning on the outer edges of the leaves and some are curling up.

Please let me know what you think it is:


Here is a zoomed in shot of her issue:


A little more info:

WW from CKS

Midway thru 3rd week from DOS

3 Gal pots

pH of soil is around 6 (I am using strips so it's not exact, pH pen arriving Friday)

Using Bloom nutes + cal mag (just added Big Bud but problem arose prior to using it) and water + cal mag in rotation for feedings. Never over water. Always allow some run off to let me know that I've given it a good amount of water and hopefully avoid potential salt build ups (I am curious if anyone may think this is the issue?)

The only thing that has changed is that rather than using filtered water - I switched to tap water for the last couple feedings. The plant is simply taking in too much water and the length of time it takes me to pour liter by liter from my fridges filter then mixing in nutes is a pain and time waster - these babies drink around 3.5 liters per feeding. I bought 2x 20L jugs and just make a big mix to help save some time. I suppose the tap water may be the issue BUT my 2 other plants in flower and one other plants in veg have also began taking in the tap water and show ZERO signs of this problem - this is why i believe a salt build up may be causing difficulty from certain nutrients from being taken in. Just not experienced enough to know for certain.

I am going to head to my horticulture shop after work to get my local guys opinion but in the meantime - this is all I can think about so I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and input.

She is a gorgeous gal and I want to keep her happy.

Not the best pictures due to the color of the HPS so it's hard to judge. How much bloom and calmag are you feeding her? I'm having a similar experience but mine all at the top of the plant. Looks similar and my issue was my plant was to close to the light and the leaves were burned. Everything lower than the canopy looks great though.... How close is your light?
Thanks for taking the time to reply! I appreciate your input greatly.

Doh! Here is a pic outside of the tent. You should have a better look at her now :)


I'm afraid my light is not very far away after the stretch. They're something I should have probably raised up. Thanks! My thermometer is right at the canopy beside the highest cola and its below 30 degrees celcius (86F) when the lights are on so I just left them be. Looking at this pic i do notice that some lower leaves are showing signs of the same issue - would that still have you think it may be the light or a nutrient related issue?
It certainly helps. Thank you. I have seen this chart and look at it daily since this issue arose. That's what is driving me a bit crazy with this issue - it doesn't match any of the ones shown here unless I am missing something (which very well may be the case :p)

Which of the above diagrams looks like my issue? I notice Calcium is not on the chart and it is one that I am potentially missing out on. I am happy that I have ordered a pH pen. My strips are too vague as it only gives values as 6,7,8 etc with no decimal places. The pH pen I have coming will give me 2 decimal places so that should improve my ability to keep the range correct. I actually bought Cal-Mag because the plant did show signs of Cal def (my original diagnosis) but have seen no improvement yet - the incorrent pH of soil would explain that if it is a Cal def.

My tap water is a pH of roughly 7 - the same with my filtered water. Should that not bring up my soil pH? Or do I have to water with an even higher pH water to bring it up? I have never adjusted the pH of my soil and could use some pointers.
Angry Bird - I will look at it again. I have read many of these types of pictorials/tutorials and ended up posting here because I simply cannot hit the nail on the head. I am new to this and perhaps lacking some confidence in my assessment. Thank you for your response.

Supergroomer - Straight out of the tap, yes. I let it sit with the cap off for 24 hours to let Chlorine evaporate, mix in the fun stuff, then check the pH. It said 7 on the strip. I water, check the pH of the run off which comes out to 6.

I understand damaged leaves do not recover but will they stop getting worse? Is that a form of assessment? Or should I strictly be looking at new growth?

Thanks again for all your time. Even if we can't figure this issue out, this discussion helps me think in different ways which only helps me improve my skills.

Tough to diagnose, but to me it looks like a combo of PH fluctuations with a 'P' deficiency.
I like combo's at the drive-thru line ups but not when talking about my plants problems!

I will speak to my adviser at the horticulture shop and pass on his insight in case it may help anyone in the future.

My general thoughts:
The first step to finding out my solution will come with the pH pen on Friday... If the pH is off, it may be a case of the plants simply are unable to take in the nutrients they need. Second step would be to borrow the TDS meter from my work and check out the water. I believe it is possible to have too much crapola in the water would also could cause a problem in nutrients being absorbed.

I use standard A+B bloom nutes, big bud and cal-mag. Is there a nutrient that may be lacking with this 'combo' of nutes? I believe it should be sufficient so my problem must be with the pH and/or a salt buildup.

Does this sound like a good plan/though process?

Again, many thanks for all your valuable time. You could be anywhere else but you are here helping me out. THANK YOU

Does this sound like a good plan/though process?


The only thing it won't tell you is about possible PH fluctuations. It will only give you a snapshot of current conditions.
I like combo's at the drive-thru line ups but not when talking about my plants problems!

I will speak to my adviser at the horticulture shop and pass on his insight in case it may help anyone in the future.

My general thoughts:
The first step to finding out my solution will come with the pH pen on Friday... If the pH is off, it may be a case of the plants simply are unable to take in the nutrients they need. Second step would be to borrow the TDS meter from my work and check out the water. I believe it is possible to have too much crapola in the water would also could cause a problem in nutrients being absorbed.

I use standard A+B bloom nutes, big bud and cal-mag. Is there a nutrient that may be lacking with this 'combo' of nutes? I believe it should be sufficient so my problem must be with the pH and/or a salt buildup.

Does this sound like a good plan/though process?

Again, many thanks for all your valuable time. You could be anywhere else but you are here helping me out. THANK YOU


I think your plan is sound. Get the pen and make sure the ph issue is under control. Then work from there. :peace:
Right on!

That is the first picture that I have seen that looks similar. THANK YOU! I've been looking thru these pictorials driving myself crazy because nothing matched up perfectly.

What must have happened in this case - I switched my water source which undoubtedly changed my pH. My el cheapo $2 pH strips aren't reliable so I didn't notice a difference when checking.

Now, what should I do to fix this? Go back to the filtered water which would cause a change in pH again or continue with the new water?

Major Reps to you Major Pita. I think you may have hit the nail on the head.

Thanks for the support supergroomer!
Now, what should I do to fix this? Go back to the filtered water which would cause a change in pH again or continue with the new water?
I'd pick a PH you want to work with (for me it is 6.3 - 6.4). One more change isn't going to matter - especially if it is only a few tenths of one PH. Filtered water or not doesn't matter (to me). Always add nute's first. Adjust PH last. I use buffered potting soil so I rarely even bother checking PH anymore. I also found with my water and 1/2 strength GH veg nute's, the PH comes in right where I want it anyway without any adjustment.
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