She's revegging, so what to expect?


Well-Known Member
Hello all, some of u may have read one of my previous threads, if so, you’ll understand what’s going on. For those that missed it, I put a plant outside a bit too early and she started flowering hard. I then began putting the plant under a shop light in my garage at night to stop the flowering and force it back into vegging.
This is where things get weird. Despite my inner voice saying “no”, I got the bright idea to snip all the little budlets off. I now know what a dumb move that was. Anyway, the plant was all confused and did nothing for about 2 weeks.
But it has recently started cranking out some new growth.
I expected it to be kinda funky and unlike the typical 5, 7, or 9 blade leaves, which it is.
My questions are 1. Does it look normal for a plant in this scenario?
2. Will the plant start producing traditional leaves again??
3. I plan on moving it back inside to flower once my current indoor run finishes up and is dried. I’m guessing I’ll chop the indoor plants in another 8-10 days, then I’ll need to use same space for drying, which is another 12-14 days. Do I need to wait a certain amount of time to flip the revegging plant to flower??
It’s looking like 3-4 weeks from now, so there should be a fair amount of new growth by then.
I’m well aware of the risks associated with bringing an outdoor plant to the inside. I’m trying to take precautions by spraying down routinely with Dr Zymes Eliminator and will do so upon inviting this girl into my holy space.
I’ve grown many many plants outdoors years ago and have several dozen great runs inside more recently. This situation is a first and I’m just curious what to expect.
I’ve included pics of the subject plant when I first “deflowered” it plus pics of the new growth taken today. I also threw one in of my current indoor run, so you guys will know I’m not a risk imbecile.
I appreciate any comments, suggestions and advice in general. Thanks everyone.
Hey what’s up MMFG?

So the reveg deal has few steps, first come funky single bladed fans on top and typically without serrations. After a bit of time time she will switch to producing 3 bladed fan leaves. After a bit more time elapses she will push 5 bladed fan leaves and then resume growing normally from there but with the added feature of now she’s considered monster cropped and will push a metric crapton of side branches, it will be a really bushy plant with good yields. Typically you want to give her at least a few weeks of veg (after she’s converted back to growing 5 bladed fans) before flipping again to allow her to stabilize and this will give you time to trim, train and spread out the canopy.

Not aware of any shortcuts, she needs to go thru all stages of the leaf changes mentioned above, however I’ve never snipped the budlets off so you might get quicker turnaround…

Basically it works like this if she was just barely in flower it’s faster turnaround than a chick that was mid to late in her flower cycle. It’s a hormone swap thing so just be patient, reveg is a waiting game….

Yes she looks really good so far!!!
Seems to me you cut all the parts off that create any more growth. Keep an eye out for new shoots coming. That's where you'll get any bud. I'm not sure they will come. Give it a week or two. You should know by then.

There has to be places you missed. Worse case scenario you can take cuttings from them to root.
Hello all, some of u may have read one of my previous threads, if so, you’ll understand what’s going on. For those that missed it, I put a plant outside a bit too early and she started flowering hard. I then began putting the plant under a shop light in my garage at night to stop the flowering and force it back into vegging.
This is where things get weird. Despite my inner voice saying “no”, I got the bright idea to snip all the little budlets off. I now know what a dumb move that was. Anyway, the plant was all confused and did nothing for about 2 weeks.
But it has recently started cranking out some new growth.
I expected it to be kinda funky and unlike the typical 5, 7, or 9 blade leaves, which it is.
My questions are 1. Does it look normal for a plant in this scenario?
2. Will the plant start producing traditional leaves again??
3. I plan on moving it back inside to flower once my current indoor run finishes up and is dried. I’m guessing I’ll chop the indoor plants in another 8-10 days, then I’ll need to use same space for drying, which is another 12-14 days. Do I need to wait a certain amount of time to flip the revegging plant to flower??
It’s looking like 3-4 weeks from now, so there should be a fair amount of new growth by then.
I’m well aware of the risks associated with bringing an outdoor plant to the inside. I’m trying to take precautions by spraying down routinely with Dr Zymes Eliminator and will do so upon inviting this girl into my holy space.
I’ve grown many many plants outdoors years ago and have several dozen great runs inside more recently. This situation is a first and I’m just curious what to expect.
I’ve included pics of the subject plant when I first “deflowered” it plus pics of the new growth taken today. I also threw one in of my current indoor run, so you guys will know I’m not a risk imbecile.
I appreciate any comments, suggestions and advice in general. Thanks everyone.
Hello all, some of u may have read one of my previous threads, if so, you’ll understand what’s going on. For those that missed it, I put a plant outside a bit too early and she started flowering hard. I then began putting the plant under a shop light in my garage at night to stop the flowering and force it back into vegging.
This is where things get weird. Despite my inner voice saying “no”, I got the bright idea to snip all the little budlets off. I now know what a dumb move that was. Anyway, the plant was all confused and did nothing for about 2 weeks.
But it has recently started cranking out some new growth.
I expected it to be kinda funky and unlike the typical 5, 7, or 9 blade leaves, which it is.
My questions are 1. Does it look normal for a plant in this scenario?
2. Will the plant start producing traditional leaves again??
3. I plan on moving it back inside to flower once my current indoor run finishes up and is dried. I’m guessing I’ll chop the indoor plants in another 8-10 days, then I’ll need to use same space for drying, which is another 12-14 days. Do I need to wait a certain amount of time to flip the revegging plant to flower??
It’s looking like 3-4 weeks from now, so there should be a fair amount of new growth by then.
I’m well aware of the risks associated with bringing an outdoor plant to the inside. I’m trying to take precautions by spraying down routinely with Dr Zymes Eliminator and will do so upon inviting this girl into my holy space.
I’ve grown many many plants outdoors years ago and have several dozen great runs inside more recently. This situation is a first and I’m just curious what to expect.
I’ve included pics of the subject plant when I first “deflowered” it plus pics of the new growth taken today. I also threw one in of my current indoor run, so you guys will know I’m not a risk imbecile.
I appreciate any comments, suggestions and advice in general. Thanks everyone.
If you trim off all the weird crap it'll start putting out reg leaves again under 18/6 hrs
ive reveged MANY plants after I've flowered them once inside during winter, after i harvested i Left some of the lower buds and branches on them put them back under 18/6 light inside until they started with new growth and when light permits i put them outside usually later spring it works good but it takes ALOT of time and trimming the leaf stem get flat And ALOT of single and curled weird leaves but its WORTH IT. Its a good second harvest yield wise and potency because the plant has an established root structure and its a well matured plant ✌️
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