She doesnt Look quite Good


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
This is still is my first grow, in a closet bild by Me.
Light is a Viparspectra p600 on 90% about 30cm from the top of canopy

For nutes shes getting
Everything biobizz very second feeding shes getting :
1ml Cal mag
1ml Grow
1ml Bloom
1ml Topmax
On 1,5L of phd water.

Shes in her 2nd Week of flower and a Royal Domina.

I had this Problem before flower but the yellowing begann from the inside It was the Missin iron in my water and Missin calmag.
Now It seems like the other way around. Kinda like too much iron or something, the yellowing is now beginning from the outside of the leaf also the top ones begann first.

Idk if shes overnuted or if i fucked up somethin Else in the progress got Some Pics attached.

Would really appreciate any help.
Happy growing :)







Hi guys,
This is still is my first grow, in a closet bild by Me.
Light is a Viparspectra p600 on 90% about 30cm from the top of canopy

For nutes shes getting
Everything biobizz very second feeding shes getting :
1ml Cal mag
1ml Grow
1ml Bloom
1ml Topmax
On 1,5L of phd water.

Shes in her 2nd Week of flower and a Royal Domina.

I had this Problem before flower but the yellowing begann from the inside It was the Missin iron in my water and Missin calmag.
Now It seems like the other way around. Kinda like too much iron or something, the yellowing is now beginning from the outside of the leaf also the top ones begann first.

Idk if shes overnuted or if i fucked up somethin Else in the progress got Some Pics attached.

Would really appreciate any help.
Happy growing :)







Good morning my friend :ciao:
Is 1ml /1.5 l the recommended amount on your nutrient schedule?
Have you been feeding to run-off every time?
I don't suppose you check ph or ppm? Do you?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning my friend :ciao:
Is 1ml /1.5 l the recommended amount on your nutrient schedule?
Have you been feeding to run-off every time?
I don't suppose you check ph or ppm? Do you?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The recommnded amount is 1ml/1L

Not till runoff not everytime

I dont check ph or ppm dont have the money for the Instruments.

In my head i was thinking about doin a Small Flush, watering her 1 time After without nutes and then nute her normally again according to the Chart i got from biobizz

I also got a Runtz that Started out a Little Better then the domina But gets the same treatment and nuting but she Looks fantastisch in my opinion See pics (ignore the Missin Soil i ran out)
Shes getting put in a net very very soon so no worrys.
Shes in first week of flower



I dont check ph or ppm dont have the money for the Instruments.
I figured that the pH of the water was known when you were able to mention that the water was "phd" when you listed the nutrients being used in your first msg and said:
On 1,5L of phd water.
Anyway, an inexpensive test strip kit can be bought for under $10 (US) at many tropical fish stores or any decent hydro or grow shop. That would at least get you close to the pH of your water supply.
I figured that the pH of the water was known when you able to mention that the water was "phd" when you listed the nutrients being used in your first msg and said:

Anyway, an inexpensive test strip kit can be bought for under $10 (US) at many tropical fish stores or any decent hydro or grow shop. That would at least get you close to the pH of your water supply.
Ye thats my Bad, the Ph of the water is Kinda known i know which nutes up or lower the ph so in my head i Land around 6.1-6.2 cause the water i Use now is Tap water (In my country its Not clorinated) that water did test at ph 7 at my home, its just Expensive to buy gear for meassuring thats actually accurate and not telling me useless or inaccurate shit. I had a Ph tester before (30€) It did Not Do the Job It always did Tell me something Different even if its 0,1 inaccurate i dont like it.

When i worked with Aquariums the ph tester also was useless and just cause more confusion then anyrhing Else
I think you may need to up the feed dose - are you sure the schedule only calls for 1ml/L for a plant in flower?
Yep in the beggining of flower for the domina It should be Day 12 or something of flower.
The chart is attached. (for the Fish and grow its either of them Not both at the same time)
Also im kinda scared to give more nutes cause idk why the tips are burnt sooooo Bad and i dont wanna make it worse

Screenshot_20240727_152802_Samsung Internet.jpg
The recommnded amount is 1ml/1L

Not till runoff not everytime

I dont check ph or ppm dont have the money for the Instruments.

In my head i was thinking about doin a Small Flush, watering her 1 time After without nutes and then nute her normally again according to the Chart i got from biobizz

I also got a Runtz that Started out a Little Better then the domina But gets the same treatment and nuting but she Looks fantastisch in my opinion See pics (ignore the Missin Soil i ran out)
Shes getting put in a net very very soon so no worrys.
Shes in first week of flower



Feed the full dose according to your schedule.
Make sure you get runoff everytime you feed.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Feed the full dose according to your schedule.
Which includes the amount of fertilizer to the amount of water in the instructions. Putting the amount of fertilizer in 1.5 liter instead of the 1 liter called for is giving the plant two-thirds of what they are supposed to be getting.

(for the Fish and grow its either of them Not both at the same time)
It might be best to contact the company and ask them. Some growers are saying to stop the Fish-Mix when flowering starts and others are saying it is still safe to mix together.
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