Shagnasty's first grow


New Member
Hello 420!

Long time lurker, first time grower. I want to start by saying this site is amazing. I've spent countless hours reading hundreds of threads over the past few months and I wanted to thank this community for being amazingly helpful and easy going. :thumb:

I started growing some bag seeds on the 29th of Dec. I got 4 to break ground, then 3 were immediatly killed due to grower error. The one plant that survived is doing surpisingly well for how poorly I've treated it. Pretty much every noob mistake i could make I have. Afraid of over watering i submitted it to drought like conditions. I bought crap soil, crap nutes and poor lights.

Currently the plant is about 1' 6" and I think that it is starting to show sex. I'd love some help in determining the sex.


If these are preflowers they are still incredibly tiny. I can't even really see them with the naked eye. I got the photo by holding an old camera lens up to the end of a newer camera lens, making some kind of crappy lens.

Thanks for any help given. :slide:
That looks like a male for sure, not 100% sure more like 80%. Wait for more opinions and give it another week or two to let them develop more. :goodluck:
yeah, thats what i thought/feared. just needed a second opinion. I switch to 12/12 tonight and will give him a couple more days of growth to be 100% sure and so I can at least get the experience of seeing a fully developed male pre-flower before i pull it. Started germinating some more seeds tonight to try again.
Well, if I wasn't sure before I am now. took some new photos for reference purposes.



but with every ending comes a new start. as I did my daily inspection I noticed at the bottom of my plant's bucket a small sprout.. apparently when I dumped soil from the seedling pots back into the larger container a seed that hadn't sprouted before did in its new home... It was a rather sickly yellow color since it pretty much no light. but when i extracted it the taproot was long and healthy looking. it went into its own container a few hours ago and is already looking greener.
Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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