Set-up of my tent - Carbon ventilation and heat?


Active Member
High everyone!

I have a new grow tent (see image below). I also have a carbon ventilation system to install.

Which ventilation holes do I attach the carbon fan to, and where would I put a clamp-on fan to keep the CO2 circulating?

Also, as the grow tent will be kept outside in a wooden shed, I would think there should be a source of heat required? I will be using a red/blue grow light along with CFL's which won't provide very much heat. Should I put an oscillating heater inside the tent as well? I have one that can provide rotating heat which can be controlled by thermostat.

Thanks for your help!

Most people put their carbon filter inside of the tent with ventilation going out one of the top holes.

A clip on fan can go on any of the white poles in the picture.

No one will know whether you need a heater or not until you get the tent installed and do some test runs.
Thank you! The reason I ask about the heater is that everything I have read suggests the plants need to be kept at 20-25C (68-77F). I can state that where the tent will be located, it will be much colder than that... in the region of 10-15C (50-60F).
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