Seriously stunted autos


Well-Known Member
Hey! First 2 pics are 1 month old..

Last pic is 1 week old.

Can you guys help me here? I have a mars hydro ts600, my grow "tent" is a diy tent made out acrylic. (no money atm)

Temps go around 25 to 30 C / 77 to 83 F Humidity gets harder to increase, usually it's between 40 % to 60 %

The first two seedlings are leggy because I didn't had the lights when they germinated, and I have no real good sub exposure in my outdoor zone, so they got leggy, but after I presented them the light they stop growing taller. Also they did take almost 1 week to poop up from the soil.

The last seed, came out of the soil only one day after I put it there, maybe because it had lights already and nice temps.

But they all seem stunted anyways.

I get my set up is shit, prob my water ph is shit also (1 have to get the thing to change ph), my souls has to much wood chips and I did not use perlite to mix up with it.

I did mix the soil with a little bit of compost I make, so l don't know if that might burned them a little bit.

Now that they have the lights, they get plenty of it, but yeah, they just stunted. What can I do that you guys think to get them better?

This is not a serious growth, I'm simply starting over and experimenting, so I get it when you guys say "restart”

I'm already ready to germinate more, but I wanna do it with probably some advice from you.



they look like they are starving. what are you using for nutes ? what is the media ? what are you using for light ?
they look like they are starving. what are you using for nutes ? what is the media ? what are you using for light ?
Someone on Reddit told me probably the real problem here it’s the soil, and I can relate. My soil it’s a real cheap supermarket soil (lol) full of wood chips. They recommended Terra Biobizz Light Mix for next growth, and I think I’m gonna give it a try.

I’m not using nutes, I only have some compost I’ve made in the soil.
Ts600 mars hydro, no money for more now lol
Ouch, over a month is not great.
That soil is probably suffocating the life out of them.
Especially with autos it's all about getting them to root the first couple of weeks and they grow way faster in loose airy soil.

Don't skimp on the initial starting conditions.. you need an appropriate soil & perlite mix otherwise you're shooting yourself in the foot. Something claggy or indeed with lots of chips that retain moisture not ideal sometimes even detrimental.
TS600 is fine although I would kinda only concentrate on one plant under it, but grow it larger, a 100w with a bit of plant shaping should get you a couple nice buds to smoke.

They do look hungry but I think they got difficulty extracting nutes.
Ouch, over a month is not great.
That soil is probably suffocating the life out of them.
Especially with autos it's all about getting them to root the first couple of weeks and they grow way faster in loose airy soil.

Don't skimp on the initial starting conditions.. you need an appropriate soil & perlite mix otherwise you're shooting yourself in the foot. Something claggy or indeed with lots of chips that retain moisture not ideal sometimes even detrimental.
TS600 is fine although I would kinda only concentrate on one plant under it, but grow it larger, a 100w with a bit of plant shaping should get you a couple nice buds to smoke.

They do look hungry but I think they got difficulty extracting nutes.
Hey man.

Thank you for the honesty!

As I said in the other comment, someone in Reddit told me to buy Terra Biobizz Light Mix soil, do you know it? Approve it?

He said nothing could go wrong with that soil.

Yeah I know I have to many plants on the ts600 ahaha gonna go calmer next time! Haha

Is there anything I could do to ease things for this girls or they are totally out of the league?
That 2nd photo looks a little like something had chewed on the leaves. Have you checked for bugs or critters of any kind, just to be sure?
I could be wrong, but it looks like chew marks.
That 2nd photo looks a little like something had chewed on the leaves. Have you checked for bugs or critters of any kind, just to be sure?
I could be wrong, but it looks like chew marks.

Something or someone chew on them, since I had to put them outside 1 day because of problems with my lights.

I guess maybe a small snail since I have a lot of them in my outdoor area!
Hey man.

Thank you for the honesty!

As I said in the other comment, someone in Reddit told me to buy Terra Biobizz Light Mix soil, do you know it? Approve it?

it's ok to start them in. it would be better than what you have currently.

Is there anything I could do to ease things for this girls or they are totally out of the league?

you need nutes ages ago. there is nothing in the soil to sustain them very long. even if you went with the biobizz you'd still need nutes by this time.

as it is those plants won't make it. they have nothing to survive on.
Hey man.

Thank you for the honesty!

As I said in the other comment, someone in Reddit told me to buy Terra Biobizz Light Mix soil, do you know it? Approve it?

He said nothing could go wrong with that soil.

Yeah I know I have to many plants on the ts600 ahaha gonna go calmer next time! Haha

Is there anything I could do to ease things for this girls or they are totally out of the league?
I've been there too, used soils that did not help the cause at all, or taking not much care in setting up the pot thinking it will be alright resulting in poor growth.
Haven't used the biobizz but it's already cannabis orientated so that will help, most universal potting grounds do work even supermarket stuff if you cut it with lots of perlite that is.
Need perlite, a growers best friend. And you need it separate as even soil mixes with perlite mixed in don't contain enough of it.

With autos try cutting in 40% perlite and break up the soil really fine and make a nice loose mixture, don't pat it down into the pot, and premoisten the perlite and the soil and then plant the seed and don't water the first week, and if you can find a way not to top water the second and into the third week that would be awesome as well, either let the pot slurp up water from a plate through the bottom or drip feed a bit of water each day with a pipette in a wide circle around the seedling or at the edge of the pots coaxing the roots outwards, what you want to avoid is water compacting the soil until you got a bit of an established root system and you want the early roots to go hunt for moisture far and wide as that casts a wide web that matures into larger roots.

Some places have quite okay universal potting soil but on occasion yes you can encounter some soils that don't make the plants very happy. Which has to be the case here as otherwise they would have grown.. The roots can't breath and if you water this they suffocate.
I've had the exact same situation and it was also a quite woodchip heavy mix and no perlite.
And with autos it's an even more delicate affair.

Plants could still just be recovered if you get them some better soil conditions & some food. But yeah they are autos so that's gonna end up like a bud sticking out of the ground. But for the experience it's worth a try nursing them to health.
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