Seniors Are The Fastest Growing Group Of Medical Marijuana Users

Robert Celt

New Member
Medical cannabis is gaining more and more traction as an acceptable form of medicine. It controls the symptoms of many different illnesses and it provides pain relief. There is evidence that it cures cancer without killing the patients' healthy cells, unlike chemo and radiation which often kill the patient before the cancer does. It has no adverse side effects...sorry, folks who don't like to get high...I DO NOT regard its psychotropic effect as an adverse side effect, but as a benefit. For me, it reduces my anxiety, gets me "out of my very tightly wound head" and allows me to relax and forget about life's problems for a few hours. It is also very effective in reducing aches and pains and fantastic for sleep. And God knows, as soon as you hit 60, your sleep quality goes to shit, so most seniors are looking for a safe sleep aid.

As many of you know, I am an "old broad" and will be turning 62 in a few months. No matter what shape you are in, unless you are a marathon runner or extremely lucky, most of the rest of us "mere mortals" have aches and pains in our muscles and joints at this age. Add on top of that a broken ankle at age 55 where my leg and ankle bone uncharacteristically fused together post recovery and that translates into the mobility of a 90 year old, especially going downstairs. I am still working as a massage therapist and as much as I like it and believe in its benefits, it takes its toll on my body. I schlepp a massage table around town, lifting it in and out of my trunk. My limit these days is about 2 1/2 continuous hours by which time I feel like I have been run over by a Mack truck.

Medical cannabis use takes care of that achiness and allows me to "sleep the sleep of the damned" whereby I awake refreshed and ready to face a new day, unlike Ambien which can leave you groggy and ultimately addicted. There are new findings that prolonged cannabis use has preventative qualities which acts to keep the body healthy and free from disease. I'm in pretty good health and I definitely credit my decades long usage of cannabis for that. Here's a link to a video of a group of seniors who are using cannabis to improve the quality of their lives in their golden years.

Here's what I have noticed about cannabis usage by age demographics. Many people who were born in the 1950s and came of age and entered university in the early 1970s smoked cannabis and a lot of it. But, as they turned 30 or so, it fell out of favor and these same people turned to alcohol as "their mind altering drug of choice." However, now that 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana programs with many more states proposing legalization of the medicine, many of my contemporaries are embracing cannabis yet again. People are tired of big Pharma; the cost, the ineffectiveness of the drugs, and most importantly, the horrible side effects which make people even sicker than their original disease did. Users are now taking additional drugs to offset the adverse side effects of the first drug. The list of side effects of most medications will make your hair stand on end! Way to go big Pharma to keeping users coming back again and again. Great marketing ploy!

However, people who were born in the 1930s and 1940s seemed to have bought into the entire "Reefer Madness" propaganda. Most of them have never used it and are still fearful of it since it is still a Schedule I drug and federally illegal. These people would be in their 70s and 80s now. Many of these folks take 3-4 or more prescription medications. It is this group of folks that I am hoping to reach with this post. Here is a great video by one of the cannabis pioneers, Steve DeAngelo. Please watch and share.

Here's where I come in. I have been reading, researching and writing about medical cannabis for almost a year. I have done much of the work for you and am only too happy to share this information with you. I believe very strongly that medical cannabis is the healthiest medicine on this planet. It was discredited 80 years ago mainly due to greed and racism. As a result, valuable research about its numerous benefits was quashed. Just think of all the people who died who might have have been saved by it. Legal drugs in the form of prescription painkillers are killing 44 Americans a day. The truth is now coming out and more and more people are able to trade drugs like Vicodin, Lyrica and Ambien for medical cannabis.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel, so I am going to link to several posts that I previously wrote about why medical cannabis works and how you can administer it besides smoking it. The first stop is a post about the Endocannabinoid System which explains how and why medical cannabis helps relieve so many symptoms of so many different illnesses.

The next post is about different methods of ingesting the medicine; tinctures, oils and edibles, oh my! 7 Alternatives to Smoking with an in depth post about CBD oil which is much in the news as an epilepsy treatment for children.

Last but not least is an entire website which just launched about medical cannabis education by cannabis expert Dr. Justin Sulak called

And if you are still hungry for information, you can look through the many other posts I have written about medical cannabis including cannabis and fibromyalgia, cannabis and cancer, cannabis and ALS, and cannabis for our pets.

If you live in the Chicagoland area, in an assisted living facility, a building for seniors or a nursing home and you would like to have me give a presentation about medical cannabis, please leave a comment below.

Seniors, I hope you will take the time to click on the links and read the posts. Please, please, please share this with any seniors that you know who might be open to learning about medical cannabis. What have you got to lose, but your dependence on harmful prescription drugs?


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Seniors Are The Fastest Growing Group Of Medical Marijuana Users
Author: Leslie Kahn
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