Senator Feinstein's Anti-Marijuana Stance Shows She's Too Old School For California

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
It has been suggested -- by a majority of California voters -- that Dianne Feinstein has served long enough in the U.S. Senate. Some thought it was time for some new blood; others thought she is simply too old to keep in touch with one of the nation's most forward-looking, youth-oriented states. These days that latter opinion applies to Feinstein's continuing opposition to the legalization of marijuana, something that most Americans believe is inevitable, as does California Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris.

Feinstein and fellow Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) recently sent letters to top Obama administration officials decrying what they view as the White House's leniency on pot. "The administration should account for remarks and policies that send a message of tolerance for illegal drugs," Grassley said in a separate statement.

"Feinstein declined to discuss the letters, which reflect a sentiment that is going out of style back home," notes Evan Halper of The Times.

Note to politicians: Expressing opinions wildly divergent from those of your constituents is not the typical path to follow. According to the polls, up to 60% of Californians favor outright legalization, not merely decriminalization.

Halper writes: "Feinstein's position on pot is in sync with her strident support for law enforcement, dating to her time at the center of San Francisco politics amid the social turmoil of the 1960s and '70s. It was then that she sat on the California Women's Board of Terms and Parole, where she saw that the drug contributed to wrecked lives, she recently told the Associated Press. 'I saw a lot of where people began with marijuana and went on to hard drugs,' Feinstein said."

I've seen the same phenomenon. But I've also known potheads who never graduated to cocaine or meth or anything else more serious. It's like alcohol. Some people can handle it, some people can't. These things are complicated.

For what it's worth, the president of the United States thinks pot is no more dangerous than booze.

What prompts me to poke fun at Feinstein's anti-marijuana stance is that she is relying on facts and an experience that's half a century old. Pot has changed a lot since the 1980s, much less the 1960s. It's stronger, less likely to be laced with other narcotics and, when sold in dispensaries, of higher quality than the barely-above-oregano stuff that my college classmates used to score in the barrio in upper Manhattan. It's entirely possible that marijuana is more dangerous than it used to be. I don't know. And neither does Feinstein.

And that is the point. If you're going to serve as a powerful senator, you owe your constituents your best-faith effort to educate yourself about issues of interest and concern to the people of your state. Don't drag out old cautionary tales from "after-school specials" from the hippie days.

And if you do, don't expect anyone to take you seriously.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Sen. Dianne Feinstein's anti-marijuana stance shows she's too old school for California - LA Times
Author: Ted Rall
Contact: Submit a Letter to the Editor - LA Times
Photo Credit: Reuters
Website: Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news - Los Angeles Times
Re: Senator Feinstein's Anti-Marijuana Stance Shows She's Too Old School For Californ

Feinstein was in on this #Republican trype?

She must be trying to protect some type of "Get Tough" panel position she holds.

Nevertheless, "To the gallows with her!"~ Robespierre

Have you considered Sen. Grassley (R)- Iowa and Sen. Feinstein (D)- California that your mentor and fellow Californian Richard M Nixon may have been slightly skewed along with his colleagues of the day when placing #MedMj in Schedule I of the Act that was recommended not to be passed in 1970 by the medical community, yet nevertheless was signed into law in the first place?

After watching you muck up our nation's bankruptcy laws in favor of #BigBank right before the looting of the middle class prior to Prez O'bama's inauguration, I have to ask you ... why aren't you dead yet, you old coot?

The fact that your party has given you the gavel with respect to the legality of state laws that facilitate the legal distribution of arguably our nation's most important cash crop points to an overall fear of the voters in #2016 by Los Elefantes, a fear for their jobs as legislators.

You have two years to muck up our nation's Cannabis laws before the voters of Iowa (and, California) throw you out on your ear.

Go ahead, make my day!

Re: Senator Feinstein's Anti-Marijuana Stance Shows She's Too Old School For Californ

She was too old school the day she was promoted to San Francisco Mayor. That was part of her charm.
She was chosen to be interim mayor after George Mosconey and Harvey Milk were assassinated by proto-teabilly Dan White (the Twinky defense.)

The political interests in SF decided to appoint Diane Feinstein as mayor under the assumption that she would be almost impossible to re-elect as mayor because of her lack of personality and lack of ideas. They were wrong. 40 years later, she lingers on as U.S. senator.
Re: Senator Feinstein's Anti-Marijuana Stance Shows She's Too Old School For Californ


It's stuff like this on #TMZ that keeps her ticking!

Hollywood fakers like 'Skinny Girl' are bad enough.

But, when they tread into the #MedMj market and attempt to profit off the backs of sick people, they should be stopped.

Especially with #RecMj now hitting the market in various states.

People need to know that #Marijuana in its purest form is the best medicine.

Here ... check out this report on #Rimonabant from a couple of years ago.

medmj dot us


Not good!

If 'Skinny Girl' or any brand is attempting to lace their #RecMj with anything that counters the natural rhythm of our human endocannabinoid systems, then they should be stopped COLD!

Re: Senator Feinstein's Anti-Marijuana Stance Shows She's Too Old School For Californ

Skinny Girl is for Good for the movement. Nothing of hers is being laced, that's a straw man.

Feinstein and Grassly are collectively 162 years old.

Many of the GOP candidates are coming out, admitting to past cannabis use. This is the wedge issue of 2016.
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