Senate Debate Gets Rowdy


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TUCSON, AZ – A crowd gathered outside the Phoenix television station where a four-way debate for the U.S. Senate seat for Arizona took place Sunday. They made clear that they are not happy with how things are.

"I want an end to the endless war," said protestor John McDonald outside the studio on 7th Avenue, north of Missouri in Phoenix.

"My message is to fund education, not occupation," Ellen Lagerman said.

One protestor got in Republican incumbent Sen. John McCain's face before she was taken to the ground by law enforcement, right after the debate where three challengers tried to do the same to the senator.

"If we decriminalize marijuana and other drugs, the drug cartels would go out of business," said Libertarian candidate David Nolan on how to end the war on drugs and curb border violence.

"They're among us and they're working now," said Green Party candidate Jerry Joslyn about illegal immigrants. "What we need to do is legalize the system, regulate it, tax it, and make it into a revenue source."

Democratic challenger and former Tucson City Council member Rodney Glassman said that more positions than Border Patrol agents should be added to the border.

"It's not just about Border Patrol," Glassman said. "It's also about making sure we have economies that can function, and have enough Customs agents is important in doing that."

"There has been nothing but a recognition of the violence which has been a national security threat," McCain said. He said that sealing the border is the first, crucial step in border security before anything else there. He also said that cutting the corporate tax rate, not more government spending, will stimulate the economy.

"(Sen.) Jon Kyl and I fight for things everyday for Arizona," McCain said. "We just won't engage in the pork-barreling that causes corruption."

"If we are going to do a second stimulus, which I believe we should, it needs to be focused solely on infrastructure and the kind of projects that are going to get Americans working right away," Glassman said.

The McCain campaign said that he will not be engaging in anymore public debates during the election.

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Author: J.D. Wallace
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