Seedling yellowing


Well-Known Member

Does this appear to be a nutrient issue or is my light to close. I recently moved my light a bit closer. My ppm is 45p and my pH 5.8.
Hey @TripleCchronic , welcome to 420 Magazine!

I'm not sure how excited the moderators will be with your link to GrowDiaries in your signature.

Next time get that seed husk off on Day 1 instead of Day 3 please.

Raise your light so the seedling is getting 5k LUX, spritz with 25% strength feed every 12 hours, feed with 30 ml 25% feed down the middle every 24 hours, cover with a humidity dome.

It should bounce back.

Good luck with your grow.
Considering its my very first grow, the likelyhood of making mistakes is high. That's kind of the exact reason I joined- so I could ask experienced people questions . I did not realize including a link to my diary was an issue but thanks for the tip. This is the first forum I've ever joined. Right now, the yellowing is just on the tips of the new growth so I figured its best to solve the issue asap. When you say 25% feed do you mean 25% the normal reservoir solution concentration?
I grow in soil and coco - and as soon as you say reservoir - it means I better get someone qualified to help you.

I'll ask around and send someone your way shortly.

Iv increased the distance of the light. The yellowing is progressing still. Hoping this is just the plant showing symptoms of the stress the light being to close caused, and will go away soon. Advice on if im right or other steps I can take to help my seedling. Thanks guys.
I see the yellow progressing around the edges of the leaf - the pictures are really going to help when the hydro guys show up.

Are you gently spritzing with a light nutrient solution and keeping the temperature/humidity up?

Hopefully it was the light :)
I am growing in a DWC system with hydroton medium and General hydroponics trio. 1 1/4 tsp flora gro, micro and bloom. ppm is 500, pH is 5.8, temp is 28, humidity 65%, using a mars hydro ts 600w 30 in from plant. I also have a plant dome over top and have been letting plant breath for 10 minutes once a day. I also has the Reservoir water level halfway up my net basket. I was told this was a mistake. I have since lowered it to just below the net basket. Could my plant be starving?
I am growing in a DWC system with hydroton medium and General hydroponics trio. 1 1/4 tsp flora gro, micro and bloom. ppm is 500, pH is 5.8, temp is 28, humidity 65%, using a mars hydro ts 600w 30 in from plant. I also have a plant dome over top and have been letting plant breath for 10 minutes once a day. I also has the Reservoir water level halfway up my net basket. I was told this was a mistake. I have since lowered it to just below the net basket. Could my plant be starving?

It looks like you are quite organized and seem to have your environment dialed in.

Seedlings and clone cuttings need about 0.32 EC or 225 ppm (700 scale).

They also benefit greatly from a very light foliar feeds (spritzing) because they can absorb nutrients more readily through their leaves while their roots are growing.

Please try gently spritzing with a 0.16 EC or 112 ppm (700 scale) nutrient solution - just a few squirts above and under the leaves.

Do not over do it! Leaves absorb nutrients quickly!

You should see improvement within 12 hours.

Good luck!
It looks like you are quite organized and seem to have your environment dialed in.

Seedlings and clone cuttings need about 0.32 EC or 225 ppm (700 scale).

They also benefit greatly from a very light foliar feeds (spritzing) because they can absorb nutrients more readily through their leaves while their roots are growing.

Please try gently spritzing with a 0.16 EC or 112 ppm (700 scale) nutrient solution - just a few squirts above and under the leaves.

Do not over do it! Leaves absorb nutrients quickly!

You should see improvement within 12 hours.

Good luck!
Should my light be off when I spritz?
The yellowing seems to have stopped its progression. Thanks for all the help. I lowered the ppm increase the lights distance from the plant and folial fed.


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Thank you for all your wisdom everyone. I ended up adding calmag, lowering my reservoir level and top feeding for a bit. From what I've read the way the leaf was yellowing from the outside edge in word while still having a green vein suggested either a magnesium or an iron deficiency. Sure enough calmag seems to have done the trick.
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