Seedling problem


Well-Known Member
Hey i Just planted some seedlings a couple of days ago and i came Home today to my seedlings all being kinked and laying in the floor! I never Had this Happen before and im Out of clues!
Could be damping off; or both those mediums look pretty coarse - is there any chance of physical damage?
It’s called damping off, sadly those 2 are done for. The soil looks to be too strong with mulch and newborns really dig a light fluffy soil mix called seedling starter mix. Fox Farms Happy Frog is really good stuff. Another method is for seedlings is called rapid rooters, they are soil like and spongy but its an artificial plug to wake up seedlings and they can be used in soil or hydro growing formats

Let me shout at @Azimuth think he has a worm castings solution that helps prevent this from happening.
yes that’s rock wool, they are good for hydro applications but hold too much water for soil grows.

I didn’t mention peat pucks, you can find them in garden centers, heck even Walmart or big box stores. They are little compressed circular discs covered with membrane. They swell up when soaked in water. They work for either soil or hydro but most here advise you to cut them membrane off at time of transplant
It’s called damping off, sadly those 2 are done for. The soil looks to be too strong with mulch and newborns really dig a light fluffy soil mix called seedling starter mix. Fox Farms Happy Frog is really good stuff. Another method is for seedlings is called rapid rooters, they are soil like and spongy but its an artificial plug to wake up seedlings and they can be used in soil or hydro growing formats

Let me shout at @Azimuth think he has a worm castings solution that helps prevent this from happening.
Thanks @013 . Yes, damping off is a fungus that attacks new seedlings where the stem meets the soil causing them to rot through and fall over. That looks like what's in the picture.

Some air flow from a weak fan can help as can the microbes in worm castings. I usually put a light sprinkling of castings on top of the soil and water with a weak castings solution.

Sorry to see that happen to your plants.
Thanks @013 . Yes, damping off is a fungus that attacks new seedlings where the stem meets the soil causing them to rot through and fall over. That looks like what's in the picture.

Some air flow from a weak fan can help as can the microbes in worm castings. I usually put a light sprinkling of castings on top of the soil and water with a weak castings solution.

Sorry to see that happen to your plants.
ah its kinda sad but it Happens🤷🏻‍♂️ i have to make mistakes to get better in growing and i learned from that mistake to 1. Use other soil 2. More Air flow and 3. Using stonewoll/Rapid rooters to get better seedlings
The castings fix is actual science, too. I saw a soil scientist from one of the mid-west US universities give a lecture on it and she showed various experiments using them.

So, really good stuff for your grow, especially if you grow organic. If you do, and don't have a worm bin, it's a really good thing to do.
Yes, damping off is a fungus that attacks new seedlings where the stem meets the soil causing them to rot through and fall over. That looks like what's in the picture.
Classic damping off as has been mentioned. One of the signs is the way the stem shrinks at the soil line. As it shrinks it gets weaker so the seedling just falls over.

Some botanists have said that the fungus strains that cause damping off are related to the fungus that will cause root rot.
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