Seedling problem with QB96 Elites


Well-Known Member

I am having problems with my seedling last year I’ve had 2 seedlings never make it past seedlings. I’ve never had this problem until I switched over to my qb96 elite lights. They stretch and never actually grow I’m not sure of the problem. Below are pictures of their current state. They sprouted 2 days ago and just stretch. My lights are turned down all the way and are 30” above seedlings. Unless I get actual help I am going back to my old lights. I’ve never had a problem before. Since I switched over I can’t get 3 different grows passed seedling stage.

Any help is appreciated.



Hi BBO420.
The stretching is caused by not enough light, you either need to turn up the light a little or lower it.
That light looks great, but has a wide spread around the tent for when they're big, a little wasted at the moment.
Do you think I should use my other light and switch to this light when I switch over to flowering?
nothing special just a viparspectra 1200w led but I’ve used that for previous grows with no problems. I built my qbs last year from all the good things I’ve heard about them but 3 grows now I haven’t been able to get past the seedling stage. It has been driving me crazy.
Yes, the vipar is an alright light, and if you're familiar with then yes I'd use that for the first couple weeks.

Also , have you got the vent holes open in that propagator?
I use jiffy pellets to germinate seeds, similar things to yours, and I plant them in the pots the day the seeds show


Domes are for clones to keep high humidity while a new cutting develops roots. Suspect they are stretching since the dome is shielding light penetration.

Your seedlings are ready to be transplanted - photos can be upcanned multiple times, if autos transplant 1 time only into large final container at least 3 gallons soil or whatevs equal on dwc. Avoid disturbing roots, transplant can stunt an auto & all that jazz....
so yeah the vents are open humidity showing off the charts because I just added some water to my rapid rooters. I took the dome off. I use grow stones for my hydro with the rapid rooters.

@skunksa yea I’ve never had a problem in that category. It’s my damn light I’ve heard so much good things about the qb96 elites. I’ve read some people do not use them for seedlings and I’ve read others have no problems using them. I can’t seem to get the hang of it with seedlings and I’m unsure why. I’ve gone through 3 batches of seedlings with no growth.
@013 you think the dome is messing with the lighting? I’ve always used it with my viparspectra never had problems. I have the dome off now. I’m moving them into my hydro tomorrow morning. Do you think I should continue trying with this qb96 elites set up or should I got back to my viparspectra until I have good growth? I know the viparspectra well I’ve had nothing but successful grows with it. Qbs I have gone through 3 sets of seedlings constantly failing
Yeah never thought about that have a little red in there too but nothing like that purple. I’m just tired of being frustrated with these lights honestly.
Not sure what light u have.But the white lights i got really do shine when it comes to canopy i assume
anything with the same sort of board we do just as good . Try pop a seed if u can soon as you see it
out the dome and use the lights recomended hight.See what happens
This is where I’m at. I’m thinking of adding my qbs in with this light 2 qbs on 2 sides and 1 qb on 2 sides. Think it’s a good idea? Or do I allow my plants to get to a month old and then replace this with my qb96 elites?

Me personally, I'd wait to use the qbs atleast 3 weeks or so, until the plants are large enough to fit under the qbs larger spread.

Have you thought about having two tents? A veg tent with the vipar, then move them to a flower tent when larger with the qbs. A perpetual set up.
Yes I actually already have 2 tents. I just do not have the room right now for both. There are plans in the making for winter or spring to have both tents set up.
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